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Amajiki let out a heavy breath as he slumped his shoulders in front of the three villains tied up in front of him. He sighed, tugging down his hood to get some more air to breath.

"Thanks for taking them down Suneater." He looked over his shoulder to see a police officer giving him a smile.

"I-it's nothing..." he muttered, looking at the ground.

"We're doing check ups for the injured, come on you should get yourself looked at." The police officer said gesturing to a near by ambulance.

Amajiki nodded, quietly looking at the ground as he was ushered to go see a nurse. He sat down on a stretcher as the medical assistants looked at him up and down, placing white bandages here and there on his face and arms.

"Are you feeling alright?" A nurse asked, placing another bandage on his nose.

He nodded, "mhm. Thank you." He whispered, as the nurse nodded, leaving him alone to tend to the other patients that were around.

Amajiki sat down, looking down at his hands and up to the sky, hoping to see what was going on with the others. His heart dropped when he saw Mirio being brought to the rest area, the blood and limp of his body made his tears swell.

"M-mirio!" He called out, rushing to his friend as he knelt in front of him. "W-what happened...?" He asked, only for his friend to be taken away by the nurses.

"He'll be okay." One of the medical officers reassured Amajiki, "please stay back."

"I-I...." he pursed his lips, until a giant explosion caught his attention, causing everyone to look up. His eyes widened when he saw a familiar tuft of (h/c) colored hair flowing in the air, carrying Midoriya and a small girl with white hair.

The sun shone through, illuminating her figure as her face filled with determination came into view.

Amajiki's mouth slightly fell open.

She was beautiful.....

But his gaze slightly hardened when he saw the dark crimson liquid flowing from her torso. And in a split second his admiration turned into fear, fear for her well being.

He tried his best to keep his eyes on the fight up in the air as beams of purple energy burst through the clouds and rubble flowed in the air. His heart dropped when he couldn't see them in the air anymore.

It was quiet,

Too quiet.

Did they win?

And before he knew it, his legs moved on their own as they started to run towards the area he last saw them. His hood flew in the wind as the crisp cold air nipped his cheeks, pushing his legs so that he could quicken his speed.

The only thing that was on his mind was her.

And the only way to get her out of his head was to see her for himself.

To see if she was okay.

He aimlessly ran around, until he spotted a dark crimson stain on the ground. His eyes widened as his heart continued to race quicker and quicker. He followed the trail of red until the sound of sirens filled his ears.

Amajiki bit the inside of his cheek, increasing his speed as he continued to follow the sound and blood trail until he saw Nighteye standing in front of him. The hero turned around to see the third year who slowly watched the ambulance driving away from them.

""I-I.... I heard sirens....." he muttered, looking at Nighteye up and down as his eyes filled with horror at the amount of blood that was all over his clothes.

Repulsive (book 2) [BNHA Reader Insert]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя