The Price Of Being In Love

Start from the beginning

Conversations between Kyla,Jaxson, Angie and David.

David and Kyla stayed with Jaxson and Angie they talked while eating Chinese Food.

David - Are you planning to answer your phone? You're going to have to talk to him sooner or later. Just do it.
Or just turn the dam phone off.

Kyla- I can't process any words to talk to him right now.

Jaxson- Wow, better you than me. I
can't understand why he's constantly trying to break mom? Ky,just turn the phone off.
Angie- Baby, calm down? It's overwhelming I know,but Kathrine is okay. So, do you think Tena knew he was here?
Kyla- No. I'm sure she did Sable doesn't let him out of her sight. So, yes they knew. It's kinda hard to think otherwise. I think he's still in love with her, your mother.

(They carried on the conversation. Micahi watching Cissaley as she picked at her food)

Micahi- So,what are you thinking?
Cissaley- I'm going to sleep now. I'm really tired. I don't know what to think or feel about anything, right now. Dad,always said your hardest cases will be your family's lives but,I never expected this at all. Our families bond has always been tight But,how did it get to this? Your father coming after Kathrine and Chuck close to losing his life's work.

Micahi- There's a strain between us. You're never going to trust me again? Even though you know I didn't know Charles and my father were planning this I can see it in your eyes.

( looking at him confused)

Cissaley- I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that? I never thought you were involved in this, I just didn't understand why you couldn't trust me to handle it.
Micahi- You're scared that I'm going to leave you again? If you don't give us a chance to figure this out, I don't know how to fix this issue, if you won't give me the chance? I know I messed up,but I love you,and you said you're not upset but you are.
You hate me?
Cissaley- No.... I'm not,and you know I couldn't hate you if I wanted to. So,stop saying that. It's late and I'm sorry if I make you feel that I hate you because I don't. I can't help but wonder what would've happened if we hadn't found that one small mistake Charles made,the numbers were off. Richard found out just in the nick of time. I understand that his company took a big hit,but what if,we weren't careful enough to check every detail? They've been bestfriends for so many years it seemed more personal. I don't hate you. I think maybe we should just be friends. Things are more costly, problematic, complicated, and I need to focus on my job,and you know vacation is coming up. And even though you say you'll never do that again, you and I both know you will. I don't hate you.
Micahi ‐ Yes,you do,I can see it in your eyes. Cissaley,don't end us because I made a mistake. Tell me what you want me to do? Please?

Cissaley- I'm just tired it's been a long day. I need some rest so I can focus on what's going to happen tomorrow. This thing with Chuck has caused a lot of talk on Wall Street .
Micahi- I never imagined him plotting with dad. I guess I haven't been doing my job.
Cissaley- I don't think it was about Jason Berks but he needed to sale to save his company. I understood that..
If you don't mind I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Goodnight.
Micahi- Goodnight. ( she stood up to walk away, he grabbed her hand pulling her back to him. ) Cissaley, I don't want to lose you.
Cissaley- I'm not going anywhere, just to bed. I have a lot on my mind I can't focus on my job,if we're clashing. Trying to be in a relationship is hard. Trying to decide on a career is harder,but pretending it wouldn't bother me being on vacation knowing you'll be sleeping in bed with her,I don't think I'm quite ready for that part yet. And don't say nothing will happen, I know how this feels and I don't like feeling this way,weak second. Just go on vacation and we can talk about us after?
Micahi- And you,what will you do?
Cissaley- Well,Sarah's contract is cleared and she has a choice to take the job in Hong Kong or they hire someone. Shelby has a business complex she wants me to help with. Carlos project is almost finished
Micahi- I'm gonna go so you can rest.Cissaley, before you decide on your career can we maybe give you a bigger salary? I know it's not about the money,but mother needs you the company needs you,and I need you.
Cissaley- If I actually thought it would help I would love it. Jason will never settle for just anyone for you.
Micahi- Why would you say that to me? My father can't tell me who I should love.
Cissaley- Because it's true and you know it. Can we stop pretending this
Would ever be just a fling, is that what you want me to believe?

(He got his bag,they hugged, and he left. She locked the door,turned off the lights and went to bed. David Kyla, Angie and Jaxson sit in the kitchen still talking)

David- How could they have ever been bestfriends?
Kyla- And to think Chuck was a decent person was a grave mistake.
Angie- Did Cissaley say who he sold his shares to?
David- No.. Rhandy was so angry.
Jaxson- I'm really tired baby I'm gonna shower and try to sleep,what are we doing tonight?
Angie - Ah, I have a few sketches that I need to work on.
Kyla- You two are like an old married couple. (laughing)
Angie- I would expect that from my brother but,my bestfriend? (Phone rings) Hey,I called you twice today.
Kyla- Sarah how are you?(yelling)
Angie - Sarah said hi guys.
Jaxson- Hey.... Davie have you talked to Mike since we left the gym?
David- No.. he's probably with Cissaley.
Kyla- Please go bathe you smell sweaty. You're not getting in bed smelling like an old sock. ( they laughed he picked her up throwing her over his shoulder. Angie laughed as they went upstairs she talked to Sarah as she worked on her designs.

(Angie's conversation with Sarah )

Angie- So, how is Hong Kong?
Sarah- Difficult at times but it's okay. Mom told me about Jason coming after Kathrine. What is his thinking?
Angie- Ah I don't know. Controlling his kids and trying to buy into the company. He's crazy.
Sarah- Well when are you guys going to decide where you go for vacation?
Angie- Well I'm not sure. Wait,what did you mean by that? Are you not going?
Sarah- I'm single and it's more of a vacation for couples.
Angie- No you have to come maybe you and Peter could talk about this thing you're going through. Make up.
Have you talked to him?
Sarah- The first few weeks. We talked but I've been busy. He's been busy. Anyways I'm gonna try to get some work done.,and I'll talk to you later.
Angie- Okay,but will you think about it?
Sarah- I will. Love you... Bye.

The next morning Cissaley woke up had coffee and put her biking gear on,and around lunch she got on her bike headed to the office. Everyone was waiting in anticipation for her and the news about the shares.

Kathrine got off the elevator as Micahi was walking out of his office.

Micahi- Hey,how's your day going?
Kathrine- Well, we're about to find out. I'm going to try to talk some sense into your little brother about the wedding and your dad. I need you to talk to him,maybe he'll listen to you.
Micahi- I think he might be right. Let dad suffer for a while.
Kathrine- Can you stop? I don't need my children and their father at odds.
Micahi- Ok!!! Is she here?
(Before he could ask another question, The elevator door opened and there she was helmet in her hand,hair bouncy. She smiled.)

Cissaley- Are you guys waiting on me? Sorry for the delay let me put my things away and get the contracts.
Micahi- Okay. (Walking into her office) Cissaley, why are you wearing your biker clothes? You're acting so,strange.
Cissaley- Micahi, let's get this meeting started so everyone can get on with their day,okay.
Micahi- The way you're acting and being so distant, please talk to me?
You won't even look at me.
Cissaley- Micahi I'm looking at you,let go before someone comes in.
Everyone is waiting. ( walking to her safe grabbing the contracts. Jennifer walked in just as he grabbed her around the clearing her throat)

Jennifer- Kathrine sent me to see if you guys are ready,I didn't mean to just,walk in on your ah, whatever.
Cissaley- No we're ready. ( walking out the office into the conference room) I'm sorry for make you wait this long. Mom, Dad,can you hear me?
Pamela- Yes darling we can hear you.
Cissaley- Shelby and Carlton?
Shelby- Yes honey we hear you just fine.

Cissaley explained???????

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