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I am going to pull characters from both Showa, Heisei, and Legendary eras. So everything that has happened in those movies will be canon to this story, however, I may retcon some stuff.

Few major changes right off the bat, The main Godzilla in this story is the second Godzilla in the series. His father was the original Godzilla who died in the first movie, So the Godzilla from Showa, Heisei, and Legendary are all the same. Junior didn't get revived after the fight with Godzilla and Desotroyah, instead, his father was revived.

Some Kaiju's sex will be changed since there is only two canon female Kaiju, but it will only be with side Kaiju.

All of the Kaiju do not belong to me (except one, but that is for the future) nor does this concept belong to me, but this individual story is my own. Many wonderful artists and writers have explored this idea of Kaiju's being human, I am simply throwing my work into the mix.

I look forward to sharing this piece with you!^^

From Kaiju to Human {A Human Godzilla Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now