Rafe- "It's my first step to not caring what he thinks" (Part 3)

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After debating for about twenty minutes we picked the outfit we both thought was the most appropriate. I placed the other two back in the wardrobe before grabbing makeup and mirror and sitting on the floor, Kie opposite of me. I sat applying my makeup taking on Kie's suggestions. Next, we moved on to my hair trying to make it presentable, which was a task, we went over three different hairstyles. I then moved onto changing into the outfit and quickly checking myself out before turning to Kie who gave me a thumbs up and a smile. I walked over to my bedside table grabbing my phone and checking the time, 5:15, I had fifteen minutes before John B turned up.
"Still nervous?" Kie asked as we made our way out of my room and towards the kitchen to when the flowers were in a vase.
"Very, god I hate it" I mumbled the last part as we entered the kitchen. My mom stood at the sink washing a glass up she had probably just used.
"What do you hate?" My mom turned to look at Kie and me with a questioning look.
"Meeting Rafe's parents" Kie answered before I could resting back against one of the counters. "She says she feels like she's going to be sick" Kie confessing what I said to her, my mom chucked drying the glass.
"Does this feeling ever go away?" I asked looking at my mom who placed the glass down.
"What, the nervousness? God no" My mom laughed a soft smile resting on her face. "When I met your dad's parents I was so nervous I ended up spilling my drink down myself as I wasn't focusing on what I was doing but instead what they were doing. Luckily they saw the funny side of it" My mom smiled as she thought back on the memory.
"Rafe's parents aren't like dad's. If that happens they won't laugh they'll probably think I'm a weirdo" I sighed tilting my head to the side.
"Yeah but will Rafe?" I furrowed my eyebrows at my mom's question.
"Of course he wouldn't" I crossed my arms leaning back on the counter as Kie was.
"Then that's all that matters" My mom moved closer placing her hands on either shoulder before moving a strand of hair. "If they don't love you so what, if you and Rafe are meant to be then you will be. Even so, you'll only have to see them at family holidays if that" she moved her hands down to my shoulders rubbing them before speaking again "But I promise you they'll love you" My mom obviously didn't know that much about the Camerons. My mom gave me one last smile before walking out, my phone that was in my pocket buzzed.
"That'll be John B" I knew she was right. JJ and I haven't spoken much the last few days, he was still a little upset. Pope didn't text anyone unless he had to and I left Rafe on read about an hour ago. I walked over to the vase pulling the flowers out and making my way to the front door. "Your moms right you know" Kie spoke as I pushed the door open, John B's van parked out front. "y/n I'm serious"
"I know" I smiled back at her. We got closer to John B's van, a smile on his face when he saw Kie and me.

"Hey y/n, Kie" Kie and I said a quick hello back as I opened the passenger side door. "You joining us Kie" John B signalled to the back of the van.
"I was just going to go home" I placed the flowers on my lap and buckled my seatbelt as John B and Kie spoke.
"I can drop you off after I've dropped this one-off" John B signalled towards me.
"You sure?" I saw John B roll his eyes at Kie's question.
"Of course, I have to drive past yours to get back to mine" He reassured the girl who nodded. "Now just get in the van before you make her late" John B laughed looking at me with a smile as Kie pulled the van door open and climbed in.

5:55, I was five minutes early, that's good I reassured myself. I took a deep breath clutching the flowers in my hands as I prepared to knock on the door. Come on y/n you've got this. I tried to build my confidence but the more I stared at the door the lower it got. Come on y/n just knock. I raised my hand and quickly knocked on the door with the little confidence I had. A few seconds passed before I heard a set of steps walking towards the door.  The door was then yanked open revealing a girl no older than fourteen. The girl had dark brown hair pulled into a side plait, her eyes matched the colour of her hair. She wore a pair of black glasses that suited her. I knew this was Wheezie as I knew Rafe only had two siblings, one was Sarah who I had quick encounters with, nothing that would cause a lasting impression. Wheezie stood at the door looking at me before squinting then looking me up and down as if examining me. Before ever of us could speak another voice caught both our attention.
"Wheezie I told you I was answering the door" My eyes were instantly landing on my boyfriend. Rafe usually looked good no matter the occasion but today he looked beyond that, I tried my hardest to not let my jaw hit the ground.
"Yeah well, I just wanted to see your girlfriend since I'm not allowed to the dinner" Wheezie crossed her arms looking up at he brother.
"Yeah, that's because you're not grown up enough" Rafe copied his sister looking stern.
"I'm thirteen, almost fourteen. For..." Wheezie stopped herself before continuing. I turned my gaze to Rafe who seemed to be expecting her to finish the sentence she had started.
"Look Wheezie it wasn't up to me, dad decided" Rafe sighed, I could see the sympathy he had for his sister but I knew that he had already gone against his dad enough for a while. Also if we were going to continue this relationship he'll be going against his dad. "Look maybe we can get some ice cream later, me, you and y/n, I know a cafe that does amazing sundaes" Rafe's eye left his sister and met mine before quickly looking back. Wheezie scoffed.
"You mean if dad lets the two of you continue to date" Wheezie looked from her brother to me then back, I couldn't help my gaze falling to the ground like a kid that had just got told off.
"No, I mean if y/n and I are in the mood to" I could feel Rafe's eyes on me, I slowly looked up and he nodded at me, I just smiled. A quick silence fell.
"Fine" Wheezie dragged out resting against the door again examing me from head to toe. "Good luck, you're going to need it" Wheezie pushed herself off the door and making her way into the house.
"Sorry about her" Rafe apologised taking a step forward. "You look really gorgeous" Rafe quickly kissed my cheek as if he was going to get caught.
"Thank you, but have you seen yourself" I commented as Rafe intertwined his hand into mine and slightly pulling me into the house. "I brought your mom..." I started holding the flowers but stopped as I took a look around the entrance and suddenly felt so small. The entrance was as big as my bedroom, it was also delicately decorated. Everything seemed to match another thing. As I looked around the entrance I felt my hand slip from Rafes who stood watching me.
"Y/n..." Rafe broke my chance, I quickly turned to look back at him.
"Sorry" I walked closer re-entwining our hands. I tried to forget about the feeling of being small, I should have expected it. "I brought your stepmom these" I held the flowers. Rafe smiled looking from me to the flowers. Rafe raised his free hand and moved it to my face moving a strand out of my face before lifting my chin and closing the space between us.

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