Chapter 20

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TWs: mention of su1c1de, passing out
Clay Pov
I groaned and opened my eyes. My head hurt terribly, and my legs felt like they where burning. I looked around me and realized that I had fsinted, whilst walking around the couch and hit my head.

I didn't even think about it a second. I got back up, went to the front door and walked outside. I still felt teribble. But i felt like if I was in pain, I felt better about myself. After all I deserved it.

I started to run across the streets. I felt myself getting lightheaded, but I couldn't yet. I had to get to the hospital.

I ran as fast as I could, and after ten minutes I fibally arrived at the hostpital. I dragged myself trough the entrance doors and saw Zak, Darryl, Alex and Niki witting on a bench not far away.

Suddenly Alex looked up and spotted me. He said sonething I couldn't hear. I started walking towards them, but before I could reach them everything got blurry and my eyes rolled away.

When I opened my eyes again I was lying in a bed. In a blinding white room. There was nobody in the room and I sat up quickly, I tried to move but felt way to numb to move.

Five minutes later a nurse came in and looked at me with a smile.

"Clay, you woke up", she said and noted some stuff on a clippingboard.

"You'r friends went over to see mr. Davidson, he woke up an hour ago.", she said.

"Wait! I need to see him, please?", i asked.

"Ok, but you will have to take these crutches, the bruises have damaged your legs quite a bit and it'll take one to two weeks for you to be able to walk normally again."

I nodded slowly and sat up. I slowly put one foot on the floor and grabbed the crutches. The nurse told me where George's room was. And I made my way there.

Room 404

I sighed and knoked on the door. A few moments kater  the door opened and Niki was standing in the doorway. She smiled at me and ooened the door fully.

"I'm glad you are okay", she said as I passed her.

I nodded slightly and turned around the corner, to where George was.

I starteled when I saw him. He was sitting in a hospitsl bed, monitors and screens attached to him. He was currently talking to Alex, he seemed to smile and then he turned hus head.

As soon as he saw me tears started to fill his eyes. I forgot all about the crutches and ran tiwards him, blocking out all of the pain.

I flung my arms around his neck and started to cry into his shoulder loudly. To my surprise he put his arms on my back and hugged me too. I looked up to his face with tears streaming out of my eyes.

He smiled at me faintly and I saw more tears falling out of his eyes as he hugged me again.

After five minutes of just George and me crying and hugging we broke apart and I sat down on a chair next to the bed. The others had left the room, knowing that we would want to talk on our own.

"George- I-", i burst out in tears again, but quickly wiped them away with my sleeve.

"George I- it's all my fault and I get if you dont want to talk to me ever again a-and I know that i messed up for myself and I honestly hate myself so so so so so much for it.", I  said slowly.

"Hey, Clay don't worry. I forgive you, i was the one thinking you wouldn't come visit me", he said softyl.

"Wh- why wouldn't i-", i sobbed.

"Well- because the- uh- phone call", I heard George say unsure.

"George, no! That doesnt change anything love.", i replied, looking for a reaction on his face.

"L-love? Do-does that mean y-you acctually like love me?", George questioned.

"Yes George I love you, and i have for a long time, I love you", i said looking him straight into his eyes.

"Clay- I-", he said with a cute smile forming on his lips.

"I- uh maybe this is a bit weird- uh but- uhm maybe we could- uh only if you are okay with this, maybe we could uhh kiss?", I asked very unsure.

"Yes, ofcourse we can Clay!", George said.

Without saying another word I connectes our lips, cupping his face with my hands.

The kiss didn't last very long, but it was passionately. When we broke apart, I could see his cheecks glowing red and he smiled brightly.

"I- uhm uh did you l- like it?", i asked unsure.

"I didn't like it, I loved it Clay" and without me being able to answer he brought his lips up to mine again. The kiss lasted for about ten seconds and when we broke apart he looked at me for a second.

Suddenly he broke out in tears again and hugged me tightly.

"C-clay i-i'm so sorry", he sobbed into my shoulder.

"George I-it's not your fault. It's all mine. It's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything bad to you, i shouldn't have beat you up, i shouldn't have left you George. It's not yours but my fault.", I said and looked down, tears streaming down my face.

"And Clay, I already said I forgive you, I love you and I'm not mad at you at all anymore, I love you and that's all that matters.", he said smiling and pressed his lips on mine again, after a moment we broke apart and I pulled him into a tight hug.

Suddenly the door opened again and Alex entered.

"Ge-", his expression went blank, then it looked like he was gonna bust with laughter and he wuickly walked out again.

As soon as the door closed we broke  out in laughter.

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