Chapter Fourty-One | Pups (Smut)

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"What now?" I asked, getting the attention of my alpha who had his eyes locked on my hind end. "Clay!" I snapped at him, quickly getting his attention.

"Oh, uh... Sorry..." I smiled at him weakly, "Okay here's how this is going to happen, I will get on your back and make sure your able to hold me before moving onto anything else."

"Won't you be heavy?" I said concerned, he chuckled "Yes, that why I need you to stay well balanced," I let out a deep sigh, "Okay..." He smiled, "You got this George"

"Okay..." I gave him my okay and he inspected my body before doing anything else. I turned my head towards him.

"What are you doing?" He laughed, "Checking your standing position to see if there is any weak points, so I can either fix them or avoid them." I nodded, standing still.

"Put more pressure on your back left paw, it will put you off balance." The question is how did he learn all this? I guess his father taught him...

I did as he said, "Right front paw, space it out a bit more." I moved it, he smiled, "You think your well balanced, George?" I rolled my eyes, "I think I am..."

"Try not to move your position unless you really think you need to," I nodded my head.

I knew the time was now.

"Okay, I'm ready..." Clay nodded, carefully mounting my back. My body shook, "Balance, George. You got this!"

I felt like I was going to fall at any time, "Your heavy!" I complained. Clay got off and I laid on the floor, resting my back.

I panted, "You okay, George?" He asked. I smiled at him "You're just heavy..." He laughed "Yeah, I'm twice the size of you." I rolled my eyes.

"God! I hate heats!" I complained, groaning in pain. Clay nuzzled me, comforting me. "I know, I know." I sighed, "Let's just get this over with..." I stood back up, getting my stance together. Clay mounted me once more, I kept my composure.

"You okay, George?" He looked over my shoulder. I nodded, gripping the ground with my claws and preparing for the worst.

"What now?" I grunted, struggling to stay up. Clay looked at me, catching my eyes in a sideways glance. "George..." I knew now what he was going to tell me. I closed my eyes tightly before opening them.

"Okay... Don't hurt me..."

I shook with fear and Clay knew. Of course he did. He was on my back, he could feel my movements. "We don't have to do this, George." I shook my head, "Yes we do, it's what I'm born to do right?"

Clay stopped me, "No, you are not some alpha's whore and pup barrier! You are an independent wolf. You make the choices, George. Not me, not anyone, not ever." I smiled, blushing, "I love you, Clay. I want this... I want you..."

"Let's do this..."


"I'm going to go slow, tell me to stop at any time. If you want me to get off, tell me. Your in control here." I nodded my head to the alpha.


I was slightly startled when I felt him at my entrance. "Dream!" I whined. He stopped. "I'm sorry," I shook my head, "Just got scared, I'm okay now..."

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