Chapter Thirty-Three | Punishment

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~Dream's P.O.V~

(Dream: Human Form)

With my father gone, I took my place as leader, including taking his house. With George gone, I threatened all the alphas I knew to hunt him down. They would find him, I knew they would.

I walked out my father's room, creeping down the stairs, and spinning a key on my finger. I unlocked the gate to the holding cell, closing and locking it behind.

The alpha glared up while Delilah didn't stir. Kil got up, dragging the chain over to the door.

"Come on, Dream, she didn't do anything. Let her go..." The alpha begged. I let out a stiff laugh, "George is gone because of her. If anything, she is more at fault then you, brother."

I turned towards the omega, banging on her cell, "You hear me, bitch!" She didn't move. She didn't even

The omega hasn't been eating, so she was nothing but skin and bones. She could almost slip out of the metal collar around her neck. However, her tight muzzle wasn't going anywhere.

Her pup was dead. Though, I didn't care she was effected by it. You could see the effects it in how she acts.

"Have you ever thought ignoring someone is disrespectful?" I sheathed at the omega. She didn't move. I placed my key in the lock, swinging open her cell. Kil ran, pulling on the end of his chain. "Dream, Come on! Leave her alone!" He barked. I snapped at him, "I do what I want!"

Delilah spoke in a numb voice, "Do what you want, Dream. I don't care..." Kil was surprised. She hasn't spoke since she followed the alpha to the cells. I didn't know how to react. I just wanted George... My omega...

I let out a frustrated huff, stomping out of the cell, slamming the door and locking it.

When I got upstairs, I glared at the alphas that had heard him. "Go find my omega! Now!" I yelled at the alphas. They ducked their head, leaving.

I walked to my room, before getting comfortable. The door opened to Sapnap. Sapnap looked at me, comfy in my bed. "Dream? They still haven't found him?" I sighed, turning to him, "I have everyone out looking for him... they can't find him."

Sapnap let his ears fall, "I'm sorry, Dream... They will find him, I'm sure of it!" Sapnap tried to be optimistic, but it did nothing to bring him back.

I heard a loud yell from outside my room. I pushed past Sapnap, exiting the room. "Brat!" I heard a young alpha snap. I noticed a young white alpha snapping at the other alphas.

I walked to him, looking at the alpha. "Who's this?" The young alpha narrowed his eyes "Who are you? A Ulta? Am I right? New leader?"

I glared into the younger's eyes. He didn't have one ounce of fear he should've had.

"The names Dream. You are correct. You are?" I asked, knowing the answer. Due to his smell, he was nothing but a low life. He probably has nothing, living on the streets.

"Ranboo, and tell your friends to let me go!" He growled. I shook my head, eyeing the alphas. "Why is he here?" One of them spoke up.

"Dream? Smell the air..." Sapnap walked over to me.

The white omega glanced at Sapnap, confused. I looked over at him before sniffing the air. The sweet scent, my omega. My eyes dilated, "Where's my omega?!" I snapped, stepping toward him.

Sapnap stopped me, "Dream, calm down." I growled at him, but listened.

"Your omega? George?" I approached him, "Yes, where is he!" I snapped.

"He's with my friend. He's okay, we didn't do anything to your omega." He spoke trying to calm down my fury. I growled, "Take me to him." The alpha nodded, but it wasn't as if he actually wanted to do this, he knew he didn't have much of a choice.

I followed with a group of protective alphas. The younger glanced back every once in awhile, feeling threatened and nervous.

When we arrived at the house. The young alpha turned to me, "You're not going to hurt him, right?" I shook my head, "I would never harm my omega..."

He nodded, unlocking the door. I entered face to face with a beta, "Ranboo, who's this?" I wanted to growl, showing my hostility towards those who took my omega.

"This is Dream," His eyes widened, he knew the new leader. "Can I help you sir?" He asked, slightly nervous. "Where's George?" I kept my composer.

Without saying another word, he led the alpha into his house. When the door opened, George's eyes widened, "Dream? Wha-" George was stopped in his tracks as I ran to him. I could tell George didn't know how to react. I couldn't tell if he was glad to see me or upset that I was here.

I didn't care, I nuzzled the omega. He smelt as if he'd just taken a shower. I had to get my scent back on him, but I held back my urgency. "Dream, why are you here?" George pulled back. I sighed "I'm here to take you home."

George was nervous, "I don't want to go home, Dream. I can't, you killed a helpless pup." The youngers eyes widened, "Why? He killed a pup!?" The alpha spoke.

I was annoyed with George, "It doesn't matter! I wasn't going to let it live! It was supposed to never be born!" The alpha stepped forward, "I know why you did it," George turned to him.

"It's a thing alphas do. If they don't like a pup, they kill it. Some even eat it..." The alpha spoke nervously. "You couldn't help yourself, could you?" The younger spoke, calling me out.

"It had to go George... but.." I sighed, holding back my feelings, especially with another alpha present. George didn't understand. He wasn't an alpha. Not even a beta. Most of the time, alphas have no control over how they act.

George sighed, "I need time alone, Dream, please just give me this..." He begged, I didn't want to leave my omega. "George... Can I at least scent you? To keep others off you?" I was hopeful. My scent wasn't there, what if he gets mated by another because they don't know he had been claimed?

"Okay Dream.."


This is a interesting chapter, Dream is VERY upset and anyone who gets in his way is in danger and most of them have no idea what they had done, touching his omega....

Live writing and spoilers can be found in my discord which is in my bio!

Stay calm, Stay Alive

I'm so confused...

-Editor Shy

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