Chapter Thirty-Seven | Gone

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~George's P.O.V~

(TW: Mention Of Suicide)

(Dream: Human)
(Everyone else wolf form)

It was like her will was gone. Nonexistent and leaving a broken mess behind. Was there anything I can say or do to help the omega?

I heard a rattle of the chain, turning towards the other cell. The alpha looked at me before turning to Delilah. "Delilah... I know you feel bad right now, but you need to stay strong..." It was as if the alphas words were going right over her head.

"Nothing is going to change if you keep her locked up like this." Dream snarled at the alpha, "I do what I want!"

I turned to my alpha, "Dream... Let Delilah go. She didn't do anything wrong. "Dream growled, "Let's go, we are leaving." He unlocked the cell, transforming into a wolf and grabbing my scruff, hauling me out.

(All Wolf Form)

I struggled in his grip, "Dream!" I complained as he took me up the stairs. He put me on the couch, going back downstairs in human form to lock all the missed doors.

When he came back, he was back in wolf form. He picked me up again, taking me back to the bed.

"Clay! Why!" I groaned, I wanted to help the omega but Clay wouldn't listen. My alpha let out a deep sigh, "Neither of them are leaving their cells tell I see fit."

The question is, how long will Delilah have to stay in there while she slowly falls apart?

(Both Human Form)

Clay was making lunch when we were alerted to a sound. Clay immediately went to the noise. I tried to follow him, but he wordlessly stopped me.

I waited for him to come back and after awhile, he did. The look in his eyes was something I had never seen before, guilt.

"Clay?" He looked at me for a second, tears welling in his eyes. I walked over to the alpha, taking him into a hug. "Clay?" I asked, trying to calm him. He didn't speak.

"Clay, what happened?" He stated silent. What was I to do? If Clay didn't want to speak, it stayed that way.

"Clay?" I tried again. He sighed, wiping the tears away.

"Delilah... Delilah is dead..."

I didn't really know the omega, all that I knew was that she took care of omegas and bred with Dream. Everything else was a mystery. Maybe I should have gotten to know her more?

Dream told me that she had been through a lot, and losing her pup was the last straw. Maybe it was the only thing keeping the omega going?

How can such a small thing effect someone's life so much? I didn't have pups, so I didn't know how it felt. Not like anything I say now will change anything.

Dream put on a face when around the others, like Delilah's death didn't effect him. He was the lead alpha now. He couldn't be seen as weak.

(All Human Except Kil)

Sapnap was stunned, stuck in a spot and watching as the omega was taken away. Kil forcefully pulled on the chain, tightening around his neck and screaming profanities at my alpha.

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