Chapter Thirteen | Worse

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~George's P.O.V~

(All Wolves)

When I said it would get worse, I didn't expect it to escalate so soon. I nuzzled my head into his fur, taking in his sweet and bitter dark chocolate scent. "Clay?" I glared up to the alpha. "Yeah?" He looked down at me, smiling softly.  "Can you use your calming scent again? Maybe mix them together?" He chuckled, nodding.

I was flustered with the new mixture of scents. The overwhelming chocolate scent and honey mixed in the air and instantly made me smile. Clay, however, seemed very uncomfortable. "Clay? Are you okay?" He looked over at me for a moment before turning away. "It's nothing, I'm alright." I frowned as he tried to reassure me. "Do you have to g-" He quickly cut me off, now wanting to leave. "No!... No, it's just your scent, I'm fine." He sighed.

Was my scent really affecting the alpha?

"Is it because I told you to down your scent? You can buff it again if you need to, I don't mind." The alpha nodded. "I'm sorry," I said and sighed.  "It's alright, I'm okay. It's much harder for omegas than alphas. So I'm doing okay."

I nodded my head but it didn't change the fact that I felt bad for the suffering alpha. I slightly shifted uncomfortably in my nest of blankets. "Clay." I groaned out, exaggerating the 'y' a few seconds too long.

He groomed me slightly. "Clay..." I let out another exaggerated whine. "Shh," The alpha hushed me, continuing lightly grooming my back. I let out a small frustrated groan. "Clayy!!" I closed my eyes as I whined out. "George, I'm grooming you, stay still." He said, a slight twinge of frustration in his voice. I groaned, relaxing my body.

The alpha hummed a sweet tune while licking my fur. "Chin up, I need to get your neck fluff," I nodded, lifting my head.  "If you could... Um... Bite my scent gland that would be good too... Please?" With the given permission, the alpha had to be wanting to.

He nuzzled my scent gland licking it over and over and teasing me. "Clay! Stop teasing-"  I squeaked as he bites into it, afterward carefully licking the bite. "Thank you..." I said, awkwardly.

He groomed my neck fluff before making his way to my scent gland again. It must have been an instinct because he now couldn't keep himself off of it. "George..." I sighed as he continued nuzzling my scent gland.

He obviously had something on his mind. "Just say it, Clay." He looked up, locking his gentle eyes with mine. "George, I know you don't like it, but your scent, it's wonderful." He adds multiple pauses.

My face brightened in a blush as I stretched my neck out, letting the gentle alpha get full access to my scent gland.  He happily took the access before I realized the instinct, shamefully putting my head back down.

The alpha let out a frustrated but understanding sigh, putting his head down. I nuzzled the side of the alphas muzzle. He let out a satisfied huff.

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