Part 1

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A week passed by after the haunted diwali night

Arnav Singh Raizada never found the peace he hoped he would find once a certain Kushi Kumari Gupta disappeared from his life.

He only grew more restless.

His waking hours were spend wondering what she is doing. Or how she is?

His sleeping hours were taken over by the dreams of the same girl.

He hated it.

He absolutely hated it.

The whole mess is a nightmare

A beautiful nightmare, his heart whispered.

Arnav shook his head to get rid of the wayward thoughts

He still remembers the day after Diwali night.

He had been waiting for Kushi to come after all those words he hurled at her.

But what happened was anti climactic

He still remember what happened that day.

They all were having breakfast when Lavanya asked the question that he was dying to ask

"Di? Kushi is late today? Did she tell you anything?" Lavanya asked

Arnav's ears perked up listening to the name Kushi and he have been waiting for his sister's response

"No Lavanya ji. She didn't call me yet. Let me call and check"

He heard only half side of the conversation, but it was clear as day that Kushi wasn't coming back.

"What happened di?" He couldn't stop himself from asking.

"She said her job is over. That she won't be coming here anymore" Anjali said in disappointment

Arnav waited for the peace to come. For the happiness to rush in.

But it never happened

He only grew more restless.

"Job is over? How can she say that? We are the one paying her salary. So it is upto us to decide whether her job is over or not" the ASR lashed out.

"She was here as per the contract chotte. When nani accepted Lavanya ji, her work here got over." Anjali said

"Contract? What contract?" Arnav asked

Anjali squirmed in her seat uncomfortable at the deed she committed

"What is it di?" Arnav asked narrowing his eyes at his sister's behaviour

"She was here because she didn't have any other choice. I gave her an ultimatum. Either train Lavanya ji or pay the one lakh she owes you for resigning from AR before the contract period was over" Anjali confessed

"You did what? How could you di? You knew I would never have asked for that money. How could you use that against her?" Arnav lashed out at his sister surprising everyone

Arnav Singh Raizada fighting with his beloved sister. That too for the woman he claims to hate.

"ASR. What happened to you?" Lavanya asked confused.

"Never mind. I'm leaving" With that said, he had walked out of the house leaving his whole family in confusion.

And now, a week later ,nothing really changed.

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