Chapter 5

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I asked Jonathan to drop me off at the bakery I left the motorcycle in. I wanted to take the motorcycle to College than the car with the flag. I had to come in early for the tour guide, and the Headmaster requested an audience from all of the students early in the morning. I sure hope it has nothing to do with me.

I paid extra to the baker as a form of gratitude. He cleaned the motorcycle even if I didn't tell him to do it. I started the engine and took off. I didn't get a chance to see if His Majesty is ok. For sure, he will have a hangover from the party last night.

The entrance of the school is ginormous! Like, giant's gate size. It has the school's crest in the middle of the gate. I saw elites getting dropped off by expensive cars, carrying bags that cost up to my monthly salary back in the force.

Students walk in groups like in the wild. I parked the motorcycle in the parking area and got off. I heard some students whispering behind my back. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a new student. Yeah, it has the royal emblem. Can they mind their own shits?

"Hey!" a guy walked up to me. I removed my helmet and hung it on the motorcycle handle. I looked up to him because he was very tall. He wore a sweet smile, thinking that I would fall for that.

"You new here? I'm Ethan." He extended his hand. I had no choice but to shake it without making him look like a fool in front of everybody. He started talking about himself, but I pretended to listen, but I was actually trying to spot His Majesty. I noticed someone snaked his arm around my shoulder.

"Echo!!" It was Khalili who approached me. Cadaver went between Ethan and me but was facing me. He was blocking Ethan.

"Hey Echo! Let me walk you to class." Cadaver then dragged me inside our school. Khalili was right behind us, trying to catch up. I tried pulling away from his grasp, but he was strong. I kept bumping into some students.

"Sorry!" I apologized. Cadaver just kept sprinting through the sea of students in the hall.

"Quit it!" I finally had the strength to get my arm away from this hold. We stopped in front of a library, I think. Two wooden double doors were leading to a room. I fixed my silver hair into shape and also fixed my uniform. The uniform on me looks trash. I was forced to wear skirts higher than my knee.

"You should stay away from Ethan, Echo." Khalili warned me. Do I look like someone interested in someone named 'Ethan'? He went up to me, not the way around. I'm glad they pulled me away from him. It just felt like he is going to talk forever. Such a talker! Not my kind of guy.

"Trust me. I'm not interested." Khalili clapped for joy. Cadaver, on the other hand, was busy searching around.

"What or who are you looking for?" Cadaver was kind of agitated. He pulled Khalili and me into the double doors. I was right; it was a library. He was dragging us across the room to the far left corner. I was confused why he was doing this. No one was inside the library because everyone was outside or in their respective classroom.

"What the hell?! Why do you keep on dragging me?" I rubbed my aching arm. I saw some light visibility in my arm. Cadaver paid for that. I hit his arm HARD. I heard Khalili laughing at us.

"Echo! Oh-ah OUCH!! I finally gave up hitting him when I felt satisfaction in seeing him hurt.

"Tell me, why are we here?" I was giving head signals to Cadaver. If he wanted to know my plan for the prince, he shouldn't have brought Khalili with him. This is a secret mission, and he happens to find out that I'm an agent. Unless?

"YOU TOLD HER?!!!" I gasped. I kept hitting him everywhere. He shielded my attacks with his arms. Khalili held me to stop beating up Cadaver. I'm going to kill me!!

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