Chapter 1

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Lights flashed from the colors red and blue. Sh*t, I got caught. Two policemen slammed me against their car and put handcuffs on my wrist. I heard their chuckles and talking about getting a promotion for capturing me.

"You're getting us a promotion, Little red." the officer grabbing my arm said. That prick! The other officer pushed me inside the car. I saw faces from children to oldies full of confusion.

"You can't run away again." he said as he inserted the car keys. I couldn't go anywhere. They took my phone and there was nothing sharp to get me out of these cuffs. I slumped as a sign of defeat.

A couple of minutes later, we arrived at the station. They dragged me inside, and all the other cops were surprised when they saw me in cuffs. The two cops who brought me in have their smug looks and think they are the best. Such bullcrap.

They locked me in a temporary holding cell for the ladies. I saw three prostitutes, a lady in her mid-30s crying, and one buff girl. Just by looking at them, I know what they were in for.

"You! What are you in for?" The buff girl called me. I sat beside her. We exchanged nods.

"Harmless shit." shrugged and leaned on the wall. Folded my legs and closed my eyes. I can still feel her stare.

"Just multiple destructions of public property. I don't need to ask yours because I already know." I said while still keeping my eyes shut. The buff girl faced me.

"Oh yeah? What is it, smart pants?" insulting me in such harmless words. I've been called lots of names but never smart pants. I flashed a smirk that baffled the girl.

"The crying lady is in for running a guy over. The three girls. Ah! The three girls, we don't want to waste time figuring it out. And you? Messed up hair, bruises on your lip and arms. I say you got drunk and disorderly. Am I right?" l glared at her. Confused about how I analyzed things, she gave up.

"Have you ever heard the screams of those who burn?" I asked everybody. Messing up their brains. Made them think I was some kind of psycho. The crying lady stopped crying and went to the other side of the cell. The prostitutes' face was painted with fear, but only one remained unchanged.

The Buff girl did the opposite. Her eyes were sparkling. Maybe it's the alcohol in her system, or she is the real psycho here. I laughed so hard like a crazy person and became serious.

"Petunia." the buff girl introduced herself while extending her hand. Who would have thought her name was a flower.

"Echo." I accept the handshake. Maybe we could be cellmates in jail. Her scar on the right eye symbolizes that no one would mess with her in jail. She could be one of the feared people there. I need protection if ever I end up in jail, but it will never happen.

The television showed a crappy show from the 80s. Bored to death, I borrowed a hair clip from one of the prostitutes and threw it to the officer guarding us.

"I'll make a phone call. Get me out of here." I demanded. He unlocked the cell and let me out. He guided me to the stall and waited at the door. Scanning the room, I was the only one there. No windows or vents I could escape through.

I dialed the only person who would have the power to let me go.

"Ah! Charles, they got me. Come down here and pick me up." I said soon as it was answered. I heard his chuckle.

"This is no time for laughter. Bring me a fresh set of clothes." I heard another laugh from the other line.

"I heard you, Samuels! If I see you again, I will hang you up on the pole outside." threatened him. They both burst out laughing.

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