12. The words that were spoken

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For the mood:

1) Gulf was unable to reliably portray a loving gaze in the scene when Tharn played the guitar - staff had to wake Mew up and sit him opposite to get the right expression on his face. And then he muttered that he was not allowed to sleep because of this




2) Some BTS:


3) Let's refresh the scene:




Ice kiss


4) Gulf actually changed the script words a bit in the confession scene.


Mew's hands greedily squeezed Gulf's thighs beneath him as he squeezed intensely between them, while his mouth tore at his tender lips. They were both excited - now it was hard to deny this, because physiology clearly betrayed them, yet no one was trying, because they were busy with a much more enjoyable activity of driving each other to a frenzy. But some unpleasant itching was growing on Mew's subcortex: something is wrong... you have to stop...

He opened his eyes and saw Gulf's languid face, which was distorted from seething emotions, while he clung almost painfully to the elder's shoulders, pulling him as close as possible to himself. But also with peripheral vision, Mew saw... the camera, which was aimed at them, and through the insane rhythm of the pulse deafeningly pounding in his temples, he heard the rumble of voices, and among them - clearly not the first of P'Tee commands.

"Cut, guys! Cut... Hey! Mew, Gulf!" He was clearly embarrassed that the actors were so carried away, but he was still trying to delicately stop all this mess on the set.

Reality went bang in Mew's head: it was all fiction, the fantasy of the scriptwriters, into which it was so pleasant for him to fall with total immersion. He was glad to believe in it, because he actually blew his mind from such a supple and at the same time passionate Nong in his arms, but it was Type... Mew almost painfully pulled away, grabbing Gulf by the shoulders, but now not in order to snuggle closer to him, but to keep the distance between them until he regains consciousness too.

"Gulf..." The voice did not obey him, it broke, but the elder was forced to continue, whispering so that no one else would hear. "Gulf, cut. The scene is over. I have to stop - do you hear?" His eyes caught the confused expression on the face of a guy who, when Phi moved away, unconsciously reached after him so as not to interrupt the kiss, but now the whole complexity of the situation was beginning to reach him, too.

Mew felt how the body in his hands was shaking with tension - and it hurt again, this time from the fact that he was forced to be a stop-gap today, which urgently broke this locomotive, which had almost derailed. They both breathed harshly, jerkily, like they'd run a marathon, but the elder was still trying to make eye contact to make sure Gulf understood that it was over, the scene was over. Nong's look did not yet give such a guarantee, because confusion, excitement and... a desire to continue were clearly read in it. Therefore, the elder continued to hold him in a half-embrace, lightly stroking his shoulders: everything is fine, calm down, everything is fine... Although he would not be in the least in the way of a sedative carriage. Or a cold shower. Or both at once. Simultaneously. Because it was almost impossible to instantly extinguish a desire that flared up so brightly and strongly, but he hoped that he could cope with it somehow later, since now Gulf needed help more. Nong, apparently, began to slowly come to his senses, because some awareness and even fear appeared in his eyes, and his hands in response clasped the elder, who still continued to sit next to him on the bed. In such a soothing embrace, they froze for a while, while Mew's hand gently stroked the head, fingering the dark matted hair in an attempt to give support.

MewGulf The Series: 12 ep and specialOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant