-1. Casting. Mew

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English is not my native language, not even the second one. This work is translation from Russian.
I'm very sorry for mistakes!


Mame is the author of the novel about Tharn and Type.
P'Tee is the director of the lacorn.
Casting video:
The fact with the paper is absolutely real, it was told by Mame.
Mew and Gulf actually picked each other after casting.
Mew is the only one who was able to make Gulf blush during his audition.


Mew stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. So, calmly, calmly... He is a professional, and this is just another casting. How many of these has he already gone through? There are quite a few. The last unsuccessful one is 2Moons2, where he was not good enough for the role of Phana.

The question is, why the heck is he getting into all this? Was the previous project not enough for him? Not enough??? The recoil was so huge that Mew still feels like a beaten dog, even though outwardly he tried to keep his face in front of others.

Why is he going to take part in the audition again?

Because this is his dream. Damn, he is not going to give up, even if the whole world is up in arms against him. Yes, he is good in engineering.He continues to get his degree, he really, really likes to test his skills and try to find the limits of his brain's capabilities. But this is more for his family's business, for his parents. So that they can be proud of their son, so that there is someone to continue the business. But the acting path is his inner impulse, the desire to bring a part of himself into this world, which, perhaps, will touch the hearts of other people and make them a little happier...

So naive for a person who will soon be 30 years old, right? During these years, it was long ago to understand that it was time to come to terms with the inevitability and accept reality: to be a good son, to join the family's business. But Mew continues to try, continues to stumble, fall and make the same mistakes. So he opened the door and entered the casting room for TharnType the Series.

Everything was as usual: he registered, took a badge with a number and joined the crowd of waiting actors. However, there were quite a few of them, despite the specific theme, because not everyone can suit the BL-series. But there were always those who wished, as they were today: many cute young boys who hoped to quickly become famous on the wave of the hype of the slash theme, which is so popular among girls, and then will go into "serious" cinema. Well, such a scheme seems to be easy to implement, but in fact everything is not so simple. Because you have to not just attract attention with a beautiful face, but also be vivid in the scene and give out chemistry with a shooting partner.

And you shouldn't fall in this chemistry, right, Mew? You shouldn't immerse yourself in the role so much that later you will transfer it to reality... And you continue to experience the consequences until now. Because he continues to catch wary glances even now, after so much time has passed. Of course, the BL world is not that big - rumors spread almost instantly even among newcomers: here he is, the one who played in love - be careful with him.

Yet, he didn't care. He put on a poker face for those around him, a charming smile for the fans who came to support him today - and went ahead to conquer the peaks! Mew took a paper with a scene for testing, P'San is not such a difficult character, he must cope. Playing an experienced senior who gives advice is not a difficult thing, he already knows the hard way what it feels like to be wise in life.

Mew read the lines several times in his head, tried to tune in to the character, it didn't seem so difficult. Therefore, when he was called by number and asked to go to the casting team, he was already calm. He smiled sweetly (it was important to make a good first impression), introduced himself and waited for "action!" from the director.After receiving approval, he began to act out a scene in which he tried to calm the nervous Type and help with his relationship with Tharn. In an even, confident voice, he admonished a hysterical young man who was wildly jealous of his boyfriend. He would only make things worse this way, but his soul was so nasty at this time... Apparently Mame noticed it because she asked him to stop and did not let finish reading lines. Fuck, he failed again... But he was patiently waiting for the verdict.

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