Special. Not scripted

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Immersion materials:

1) BTS:

another video with timing of when they made up:


and one more, but already with eng sub:


party: Mew did not participate in the filming, but came to the set with the 'Tharn' written on his neck:


on the bed - Mew got a nosebleed:



2) Rehearsal for the NC scene in a special:


It was filmed in one take and practically without a script, that is, it was in fact almost an improvisation of MewGulf. Live with it however you want 😈


Even before Mew was fully awake, he felt that something was wrong, something was not happening according to the usual scenario of his lonely life. Not in the sense of "bad", but in a different way, unusual. Unusually warm and comfortable, despite the fact that his back hurt wildly and his arm was numb under some incomprehensible weight. And the sound of the waves was clearly not an ordinary sound that accompanies his rest at night, but due to his sleepy state, awareness came to him extremely slowly. Finally, everything became clear when he was still able to open his eyes, into which, according to his feelings, a ton of sand was poured, since, of course, he fell asleep in contact lenses. And, finally, blinking, he saw the most beautiful and touching sight in this world: Gulf peacefully was sniffling in his arms, who, rejecting the comforts of pillows, used the shoulder of his elder in this capacity, pressing his head to his chest. Mew's heart sank for a few moments, and then it sank with tenderness at how helpless and cute his Nong looked when he slept. Yes, this was not the first time that Morpheus overtook them together, they also practiced this at workshops, but now there was not a soul around, so Mew can enjoy this view to his heart's content to capture precious memories:

like that Nong's hand under a blanket wraps around Mew's waist to be as close to him as possible

how the warm breath touches his neck, giving him a pleasant chill

how funny the boy's nose wrinkles when his Phi can not resist and lightly run his finger over it, slightly tickling the tip

how Gulf curls up like a snail in response, burying his face even deeper into Mew's chest to prolong the bliss of sleep

This treasure in his hands was simply priceless for him because of what happened between them yesterday, when Gulf, even after listening to his friend's hysterical confession, was able to accept it and share his emotions with him. To comfort him with your hugs and make it clear that he would not change his attitude, even though he now knew all the details of that dark period of Mew's life, which he was trying not to remember, and even more so not to talk about it out loud.

The elder, still in thought, heard voices in the distance - this almost immediately brought him back to reality, because no one should know about what happened here and that they actually spent the night together - albeit in such an innocent sense. Therefore, he was forced to start waking up his Nong, gently stroking his head, holding on with all his might so that his hand would not slip onto his face in a caressing gesture. "Gulf... Yai Nong... You have to get up... Wake up..."

MewGulf The Series: 12 ep and specialTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang