-0.25. Crush and total google research

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1) Mew's photo from instagram with the eyes full of pain (my heart is bleeding on it)

1) Mew's photo from instagram with the eyes full of pain (my heart is bleeding on it)

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2) Gulf actually saw Mew before casting on the WTD series - he talked about this in their joint interview with the entertainment portal TEP


If Gulf were asked to describe himself, the first thing that would come to his mind would be withdrawn. And everything else seems to follow from this quality: unsociable, few friends, introvert, silent.

To those people around him, he may even seem a little rude and detached, because it is, for him, extremely difficult to make contact. But he has no equal in the art of avoiding any additional communication. In the contest "Think of 5 reasons in 5 seconds so as not to meet people", he would definitely always take prizes, because he had been practicing this all his life. Maybe that's why he was so attracted to Phi: bright, sociable, dynamic, who is so good in speaking and clearly does not experience problems with communication.

He doesn't really understand where he got such inclinations, but the fact remains: he can't be called the soul of the company. It is difficult for him to interact with strangers, he by all means avoids either the crowd and... touches. But not all: his family is included in the circle of people with whom he hugs with pleasure, puts his head up like a kitten to be stroked, caressed. But this is so intimate for him that only very close people are allowed to do this.

Gulf is a kind of twisted topsy-turvy kinesthetic. He is madly in love with touching different textures: the velvety surface of a suede bag, the silky warm fur of a white fluffy angora cat, passing hot sand between his fingers on the beach, touching the cold dense skin on a succulent leaf in the yard... He really knows this world through touching, as if collecting it into a mental file, so that later one at a time he can retrieve the memories and savor pleasant moments.

And at the same time, he has a hard block in his head:

strangers. are. not. allowed. to. touch. him.

It is categorically impossible.

Even traveling during rush hour on public transport becomes a problem for him, because it is so difficult to avoid these unwanted touches. At such moments, Gulf prefers to disconnect so as not to feel anything - it's easier for him. As if this is not happening to him, but he plunges into music or deeply into his thoughts - this is another version of the sink for him. He is very good at hiding from this world...

But there was an exception, which Gulf still can't explain to himself: why at the casting was P'Mew's touch for him so... familiar? Natural? How could it be? This was an absolute taboo. It took him 4 attempts with previous partners to somehow tune in to touch them, but here everything was so simple, so organically it turned out that instead of the traditional reflex to recoil as soon as possible, he involuntarily pressed a little harder to a warm hand with stunningly beautiful fingers who seemed to be lightly stroking him, trying to calm him down?

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