4.1 Catharsis

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1) Working out the scene, Gulf is crying at the workshop:


2) According to him in an interview, this scene was one of the most difficult for him in terms of expressing the emotions of the character

3) Catharsis (from the Greek 'katharsis' - cleansing) is a process of acute or lasting negative experience, which at its highest point turns into a positive experience. A boil of experiences that transforms dark, difficult and painful experiences into pure, light and noble experiences.

In modern psychotherapy, the word catharsis in a general sense denotes the therapeutic release of emotions or stress relief, including that which could be conscious of or be associated with conscious experiences.

4) The story of sleepy Gulf, Mew, and ice cream was told by OP.


"Mew, can I have you for a minute?" Mild was such a longtime friend, since the times of the elder's last project, that he could sometimes allow to omit the polite address in personal conversation and call Mew simply by his first name.

They sat and rested in a small company after another run-through of the script for the third episode, when this funny guy, who knew how to cheer everyone up so well, suddenly decided to pull him apart from everyone to drink cold lemonade. Mew didn't really resist - he was always happy to talk with this Nong, who had become a close companion for him ever since everyone turned away from him... So they sat outside with drinks among the plants in the garden to rest and chat, as the elder thought... But Mild had slightly different plans, "Mew, I'm worried about you."

But that was unexpected, yes. Mew's eyebrows rose at the immediate question, "Eeeeh... Why? Everything seems to be progressing well with rehearsals."

"No, I'm not talking about that. I'm worried about you because of Nong Gulf."

"What's wrong with him?" Mew was puzzled even more, trying to figure out with whom this shy guy could conflict in general.

"Everything is OK with him, but do you even understand what is going on between you two?" Mew looked at his friend with incomprehension, so he continued, "There are no blind people here, Mew. And me, and all the actors, and the staff - we all see that you don't stick away from each other, and it started literally from the second workshop, when your kiss while playing a scene from 'Call me by your name' drove into the paint everyone who had imprudence watched this scene."

"Well, we've already discussed this case - Gulf simply didn't know that they don't really kiss at workshops, so he took the initiative, and I just didn't push him away so as not to interrupt the scene."

"Well, well, and you filmed the night scene for the first episode for 45 minutes, too, because Gulf didn't know that he didn't need to kiss you back?" He couldn't resist not teasing the elder, who still continued to deny things that were for some reason obvious to Mild.

"He was just improvising — maybe not very well", and then Mew had a 'convincing explanation'.

"Mew, let's be honest - just hear me: there is such chemistry between you that everyone's hair stands on end within a radius of five meters... And the rest, who are outside the affected area, simply cannot help but stare at you two - and not shoot, please notice! It seems to me that BTS from the workshops will have views on the official channel no less than the final episodes in the end - and all because of what both of you are doing!"

Mew grew cold inside: was everything so obvious? But with a glance he made it clear: go on. And Mild couldn't be stopped, "Do you both even realize how it looks from the outside? Yes, there is practically no such thing that you can be detected in different parts of the room! If I'm lucky, I see only one of you, idly staggering and looking for the second. The tale of how Nong woke up and began, in a state of sleepy zombie, to pester everyone with the question, where is his P'Mew?, while you went out for ice cream for only 15 minutes, in general, already became a legend of TTTS - only the lazy one didn't retell it inside the film crew. I think that fans will soon find out about it."

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