
Mia was driving to the hospital and there was a lot of traffic. She looked out her window and saw that there were tons of cars in front of her as well as behind her. She saw a bunch of ambulance rigs pass by and thought that it was a good idea to go and help, after all, she is a surgeon.

Cross, April, Owen, Amelia, Alex, Jackson, and some interns were waiting in the trauma bay when all of those ambulances showed up. Cross and an intern opened the rig that Mia was in.

"Got a 45-year-old male with a head lac, positive LOC on the scene. Also has an abdominal contusion.

"I'd like to say it's not as bad as it looks, but...." The male patient says.

"Do you think he has an intra-abdominal injury?" The new intern asked.

"Well, there's one way to find out!" Mia said and they wheeled the man in on the stretcher.


"Hey, so what did your parents say about the offer?" Cross asked, he was one of her closest friends during residency.

"My mom was mad about me leaving. My Dad looked like he was on her side, it's a lifetime opportunity, right? I should go!" She reasoned with him.

"Well, I mean this hospital is pretty great as it is and you're already building your name here. Maybe finish your residency first. I can see why your mom is mad, she's gonna miss the crap out of you!" Cross sighed.

"Perhaps your right, I don't know," Mia said as she continued to do the patient's workup.

"Maybe I should make up with her, I guess I could stay. Everyone else is gone and living out their lives, and Mom and Dad are all alone, I shouldn't have yelled at them." She thought to herself.

"A bony deformity in the temporal region, 5-centimeter head laceration," Mia stated.

Meredith and Derek were doing their surgeries so they were on the first floor while Mia was on the third.

"Abdomen looks clear, but let's just get a general consult to confirm," Cross said while Mia nodded in agreement. she needed to make amends with her mom, she couldn't leave her behind, at least not like this.

"Palpable pulses in all four extremities," The unknown intern said.

"We've got mild pupillary asymmetry, we need to get a CT. So, make sure neuro and general are both paged, please." She ordered

"Starting to regret taking that tour of the city today. No rain. Thought it was a good idea... I got more than I bargained for" The male patient says.

Mia chuckles a little bit. She was always good with patients, always friendly and caring.

"Yeah, well, you did hit your head pretty good Lou, but we're gonna get you fixed up!" Mia says, putting him at ease.

"Wasn't my most graceful landing either?" He says and mia smiles.

"Pushing 150 of Fentanyl should help with the pain," The intern says.

"You know they had a wall at Pike's market, covered in people's chewing gum?" He asked.

"I do in fact know that Lou, I grew up here" She says to him and Cross gets off the phone.

"Where's general and neuro?" mia asked.

"paged no response!" cross sighs.

"well then can you go get them please?" She requested as cross nodded.

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