Chapter 986

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Jay's POV: An hour after leaving the district with Voight and bringing him home, I smiled as I walked in before him. "Erin, Hank's here to spend Christmas with us. He's already tested negative." Hank then walked in and smiled as he looked at the place. "Maybe this time I can look around the place more since last time I didn't take the test." I turned to look at him and smiled as I took off my jacket. I then grabbed his and walked in to put them (and my shoes) In the closet. "Sounds good." I then looked at Erin as she walked up to me and smiled. "Hey." Putting my hands on her stomach, I then moved to kiss her softly. 

Erin smiled as she kissed me before turning to look at Hank. "Sorry, just something we do whenever we get home in this time. Whenever we leave the house alone, we worry about it." I then smiled as I wrapped my arm around her waist before kissing her head. "I'm safe Erin, I promise. I just went to the district to get him and then we came right home." Hank then walked up and smiled at Erin. "God, you've grown so much since I last saw you." Erin smiled and nodded as she let go of me so she could hug Voight. "God, I've missed your sense of humor."

Hank smiled and nodded. "I swear, you've got a great husband there Erin. He made the right call making you stay home instead of letting you come down to the district." Erin chuckled and smiled. "Oh, I was never going down to the district. I just said that so that Jay would offer to do it. Had I not said that if he didn't go I would...he probably wouldn't have gone." I then looked at her and didn't like that. " that fight before I left?" Erin smiled at me and put her hand on my cheek. "All an act." She then kissed me softly before walking into the kitchen.

"Supper is almost ready. Jay, get Hank a beer and go relax. You get some beer this Christmas because you need to do something with Hank. Maybe you can turn some sports on or something. Then, we need to give Hank his Christmas gift that we got for him on Amazon." I nodded and then smiled at Hank. "What did I tell you about her energy? This is what she's like all day. Trust me, she can handle the work." Hank chuckled and nodded before walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge to grab a beer. "How was the cabin?"

I sighed and looked at him. "I got arrested remember?" Hank then sighed. "Stupid. Hey, at least you got a dirty cop off the street." I then bit my lip and just shut up considering Hank was a dirty cop. "Maybe we can not talk about this. This is not really something I feel comfortable talking about with you since you not only are my father-in-law but, you are also my boss. And I am never sure if our conversations in private can have repercussions at work or not." Hank looked at me confused. "What's the worst I could do to retaliate?"

I sighed and looked at him. "Make me come down and work at the district rather than work from home." He looked at me and nodded, understanding where I was coming from. "Trust me, the day I do that is the day Erin isn't your wife and pregnant with your child. Remember Halstead, if I punish you for doing your job...I get punish because that wife of yours calls me and doesn't shut up until she tells me what I did was out of line for 10 minutes!"

Erin chuckled and smiled. "Called supporting my man and standing up against my boss when I think he's done something wrong. Oh, and it's also called not being scared to loose my job considering I am your equal with regards to rank in the CPD." Hank looked at her and was confused. "Since when? I haven't read the updated Seniority list." I smiled. "Since I came back from FBI's New York Office. Having worked for the FBI twice now (once in Chicago and once in New York), my seniority has gone up to the level of a Sergeant while still being a Detective." 

Hank nodded and understood when Erin said that. "Makes sense. Working for the FBI gives you much more experience to lead the unit. That's exactly why I am letting you take over in a few years. And I have already made some of the changes you recommended. Jay, you are going to be the Deputy Head of Intelligence for Undercover Operations and Antonio is now the Deputy Head of Intelligence for Drug and Gang-Related Crimes." 

I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Wait, what's Erin's role?" Hank then chuckled. "Sr. Deputy Head of Intelligence-at-Large. She will oversee you and Antonio, reporting back to me." Erin smiled when he said that. "Perfect, that means I can give orders to Jay. After all, who better to give him orders than his wife?" I then turned to look at Erin. "Uhm, we agreed to separate work and home life remember?" Erin smiled. "Not when I am your superior at work."

Hank smirked when she said that and nodded, grabbing a drink while Erin turned her attention back to the food. "Listen, let's go sit down and eat. Then we can sit in the living room and talk for a while." Hank nodded and agreed. "I have some gifts to give you anyways." We both agreed and smiled as I went to help Erin grab some plates and the food while bringing it to the table in our dinning room where we were going to eat Christmas dinner with Voight before eventually spending time with him in our living room. This was exactly what I knew Erin wanted to do for Christmas and I am glad I am able to let her have it.

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