Chapter 972

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Gabby's POV: As I stood in the washroom with Pete, I was nervous since he was getting close to me. "Pete, stop...I'm married." Pete didn't stop. "Gabby, Matt let you leave Chicago because you wanted to go work. He is only married to you because you have a kid. We can raise Matteo together and be happy together." I tried to push him away when he put his hand on my hip and went to kiss me. He was about to when I felt someone rush in and tug Pete off of me.

That's when I heard Matt's voice as he rammed Pete against the wall. "What the hell do you think you were doing touching Gabby that way Mills! She's married!" Pete looked at him and sighed. "You really are with her because you love her right?" Matt was not happy when he said that. "Gabby, go out to the garage. I need to have a little conversation with Pete." I got nervous. "I'll back up but...I'm staying in here." Matt sighed and nodded as he let Pete down.

"First of all, why in the world did you get so close to her when it's COVID! You must've heard that her sister-in-law, niece, nephew and my sister have all had COVID right?" Pete then stared at Matt, shocked. I then moved to wrap my arms around Matt as he held me. "Sorry about that." Matt then rubbed my back. "Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. Pete is the one who should be sorry. Now, I want you out of this firehouse. Pack your're on suspension."

I stared at Matt, shocked. "Matt, you don't have the authority to do that!" Matt just looked at me. "You don't think that's what Boden's going to do the minute I tell him this? Gabby, that was sexual assault!" Matt then turned to look at Mills. "This is a warning. Next time, I go talk to Gabby's brother and report a sexual assault claim against you. Understood?" Pete got scared and then walked away. I then turned to look at Matt and sighed.

Matt then turned to look at me and held me. "You okay?" I nodded and then rubbed his arms. "Sorry about that." Matt then moved his hands to my butt before kissing my head. "Gabby, you have nothing to be sorry about. It was his fault." I nodded and then looked up at Matt. "I love you, only know that right." Matt nodded and smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. "You know, we could always head home? I really don't want to be around him right now."

I agreed and nodded before sighing. "However, we need to tell Boden about what happened first. What he did was wrong and can't go unpunished." Matt nodded before going to push a strand of hair behind my ear. "I promise that everything is going to be okay. And I am not mad. I am just glad that I got to save you from him. You don't deserve that, especially not here where one of your worst memories of sexual assault is." I sighed and nodded. "At least I'm dressed."

Matt moved to kiss my forehead and sighed. "Gabby, that's not the point. You should never have been in that position in the first place. This should be a safe space for both men and women to get changed without having to worry about people sexually assaulting them in the washroom." I nodded and smiled. I then leaned up to kiss him when we heard Boden. "Who just sexually assaulted you in here Gabby?" I turned to look at him and sighed. "Boden, we got it."

Boden just stared at us. "The CFD has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to sexual assault on CFD property regardless of whether it is staff or civilians. However, if it is is an automatic dismissal. Who was it?" Matt sighed and looked at me. "Your choice whether you want to report or not." I sighed and nodded. "Peter" Boden was shocked and nodded. "Matt, you were here when it happened...can you confirm that?" Matt sighed and nodded. "I can Boden, it was him. I caught him in the act and stopped it from going any further."

Boden nodded. "Then he will be dismissed immediately." Matt sighed. "Can you wait until we leave? I will talk to Antonio then we'll leave. I don't want a confrontation to happen after you fire Pete." Boden agreed and sighed. "You have 30 minutes to leave. Then, I am firing him." We both agreed and sighed. "Let us just talk to Antonio then we'll be on our way." Matt then grabbed my hand and led me out of the washroom so we could talk to my brother and leave. "Can we invite him and Sylvie back to our place?" 

Matt nodded and smiled as he went to kiss my forehead. "That sounds perfect. We need something to change our thoughts after that. Just to let you know, I am so sorry I wasn't here to protect you." I then stopped him from walking and turned to look at him. "Matt, you did protect me. Don't say that." Matt then nodded and stepped close to me as he moved his hands to my waist. I then moved to kiss him softly when we heard Pete walk up to us. "Guys..I'm"

Matt just turned to look at him and brought me against his chest. "How dare you! How dare you assault my wife when you know we're happily married and have a son?" Pete sighed and looked at Gabby. "See Gabby, he's possessive." Gabby stared at him. "Shut up and just go talk to Chief. He's already aware of what happened. And believe me, you are finished here so...go back to your family's business." He was shocked and when to talk to Chief.

I then sighed and looked at Matt. "Let's go talk to Antonio. He's going to want to know." Matt nodded and understood. "I love you Gabby." I smiled when he said that. "I love you too." I then moved to kiss him softly before walking away with him so we could head home.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin