Chapter 977

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Meanwhile, across town with Jay & Erin

Jay's POV: As I walk into me and Erin's living room after getting changed to relax, I smile as I see Erin sitting on the couch under the covers while looking at the Christmas tree we set up. Walking over to her, I see her eating a granola bar and some yogurts for an afternoon snack. "Surprised to see this as your snack. Thought you might take this day to be your cheat day." Erin turned to look at me and smiled as she opened the covers. "Not a chance. I may be pregnant and not really have a body but...I want to eat healthy."

I sighed and put my hand on her stomach. "Babe, you have the most beautiful body in the world. You are pregnant with our little Olivia Marie. I promise you will always be the most beautiful woman in my eyes even when you are pregnant with our children." Erin then looked at me. "How many do you expect?" I smiled at her. "Maybe 2 or 3. I want a boy too." Erin nodded and agreed. "Someone to carry on the Halstead last name?" I sighed.

"Considering my brother's adopted son is Manning-Halstead...I am the only one who can carry on Halstead by myself." Erin nodded and agreed. "Maybe we can teach our daughter that she doesn't have to change her name when she gets married. Maybe we can teach her that she should combine their last names." I thought about it and agreed. "Let me guess, you want me to change my name to Jay Lindsay-Halstead?" Erin thought about it and shook her head.

I then changed the order. "Jay Halstead-Lindsay?" Erin shook her head again. "Okay, that one sounds worse. Remind me to never use Lindsay and Halstead in a sentence ever again. It's why I changed my name to Halstead. And luckily, we are partners at work so...even if they call our name, we literally can just both answer." I thought about it and nodded. "Or you can answer considering you are going to take lead in all of our operations."

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "You mean that?" I nodded and agreed before going to kiss her softly. "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. Anyways, you have more seniority than me. I am technically required to listen to you at work." Erin then ran her finger down my cheekbone before whispering to me. "Is that the only reason you need to listen to me at work? Or is there another reason that is related to our bed." I smirked and nodded when she said that before leaning in to kiss her softly. "Remind me why we're down here?"

Erin smiled and then looked at me. "You didn't ask me to come upstairs. Why? Would you rather be upstairs right now doing something a bit more...intimate?" I smirked and nodded when she asked me that because I was dying to get her in bed. "I want some intimate time as a Christmas gift." Erin chuckled and smiled when I said that. "Then why didn't you ask me to give you some while we were upstairs?" I smiled at her. "Because you need to eat."

Erin agreed and smiled before going to grab her granola bar. She then went to finish it before grabbing her yogurt. "Let me just finish eating then maybe we can take this else where." I knew exactly where she meant by that and nodded, ready to take her to bed. However, she decided to tease me because right when she said that, she started to eat slower. I got impatient when she said that but decided to just wait since I was getting lucky today.

"Wow, you aren't mad that I am taking my sweet time to eat? I'm actually shocked by that." I chuckled and looked at her. "Oh, I'm mad. However, I am not going to say anything to make you mad considering you are the one who can stop me from getting lucky today. And believe me when I say this, I do not want to take a cold shower on Christmas when instead....I can be in bed with the woman I love." Erin smiled when I said that and nodded.

"Plus, this is the last Christmas where we are going to be alone as Jay and Erin. Next Christmas, we are going to be mom, dad, aunt and uncle." Erin smiled when I said that. "Well, technically we are already an aunt and uncle because of the fact that Will adopted Owen." I nodded and smiled. "Still shocked that he did that but, I understand why. He's a great dad and I definitely plan on talking to him about what I should do. Unless you want me to talk to Hank."

Erin bit her lip and sighed. "I would rather you talk to your brother because that way I don't have to hear Hank complain about what you think you should do as a father and have him tell me that I need to talk to you so I can change your mind. I want to make decisions about our daughter together without anybody's input." I agreed and then added on. "Especially not Hank's input. I'm sorry but, he had his chance to raise it's our turn to raise our kids, our way."

Erin smiled when I said that and then nodded while eating her yogurt. "Listen, how about you go lay down in bed and I will be right up when I am done my yogurt? Get comfortable in your boxers because I want full access to that gorgeous, muscular body of yours." I chuckled and smiled. "Someone a little excited about getting me in bed all alone?" I nodded and smiled before kissing him softly. "Also, call your brother quickly to say Merry Christmas." 

I smiled. "We already talked at the firehouse remember? I am all yours now. Anyways, I heard that they are celebrating with Helen now that she's been tested." Erin smiled and agreed. "Then I will see you in bed in a moment." I nodded and agreed, quickly giving her a kiss before getting up and making my way upstairs.

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