Chapter 968

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Jay's POV: After walking out of Matt's office and back onto the driveway, I smiled when I saw Will, Natalie and Owen there to have some lunch. Walking out to them, I chuckled. "Seemed like we all had the same idea when it came to where we can have lunch." Will turned to look at me and smiled. "Merry Christmas Bro." He then walked over and hugged me. I smiled as I hugged him before going to hug Natalie too. "How's the little one this morning?" Natalie smiled. "Behaving." 

I smiled when she said that before watchin Erin hug Natalie. "What about Olivia, she causing you problems today?" Erin sighed. "A little morning sickness but, that's it." I smiled while wrapping my arm around her and then kissed her head. "What did Santa get for you this year Owen?" Owen smiled when I asked. "He got me some movies and a Nerf Gun." I liked the sound of that. "Oh, that sounds fun. Maybe we can play war this spring." He laughed and smiled.

Natalie however didn't like the term I used. "Jay." I sighed and looked at her. "It's the only word I could use to explain it. Sorry Nat." She nodded and agreed. Will then looked at me. "Staying safe at home?" I nodded and agreed. "Always. Just hope to get a bit of time alone later. Not sure if Voigt's going to stop by or not. He said if he could get tested...he could." Natalie smiled and nodded. "Want me to get him an appointment at Med?" I thought about it and shook my head.

Unfortunately, Erin saw that. "Jay, if you think that stopping him from coming is going to fast forward our plans for tonight, you're mistaken." Will then looked at me, a bit confused at what she meant before catching on and smirking. "My man." I laughed when he said that and then chuckled. Owen however was confused. "What you talking about dad?" Will then looked down at him and smiled. "Adult stuff. But listen, how about we go have some food?"

He nodded. "Think we can sit on the firetrucks today?" Natalie sighed and thought about it. "No Owen, we can't. They might need to be used by the firefighters today. And, they are not healthy. You know why we are not allowed to bring you to the hospital right?" He nodded and understood. "Yes, even though I'd love to go see your friends every once and a while." She smiled when he said that. "Well, the virus is in the firetrucks and ambulances too. Not safe."

Owen nodded and understood. That's when we heard Matt walk over to us. "Surprised to see you guys didn't stay at the cottage." Will smiled. "Wanted to be in the same city as my brother to see him for a bit. Also needed to make sure he didn't end up in jail again. I didn't know whether Erin would bail him out again if it happened twice in a week." I gave him a glare and was not laughing. "The first one was worth it though because I saved someone's life."

Matt then smiled. "Yet you still got suspended from the CPD. That's so stupid!" I chuckled and nodded. "Voigt worked it out so that I cancelled my vacation and started serving my suspension in the time that I was originally going to use my vacation time for." Matt liked that idea. "That's a perfect way to serve your suspension. Anyways, you're pretty much just doing desk duty to protect Erin." I nodded and smiled. "By the way, where's Gabby?" Matt then looked around.

"She's talking to Severide and Capp." Erin smiled when he said that. "They're pretty tight aren't they?" Matt chuckled. "Not anymore. He's been putting distance between them because he needs to take a back role in the Squad truck now. He's expecting a baby too." I was shocked when he said that. "I didn't even know he was seeing someone." Matt then smiled. "Trust me, nobody here did. It's been a shock to all of us. But listen, lets get food."

We all agreed and smiled as we walked back in. As we all walked by Gabby, Matt wrapped his arm around her. "Want to eat so we can let the public come join us after?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "Congrats again Capp." She then walked with Matt to grab some food when we all heard Chief Boden speak up. "Once you all have your food, please find a seat. I will be making a toast." We all nodded and agreed as we made our plates so that we could sit down at the tables.

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