Chapter 963

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Gabby's POV: Once Matt finished making breakfast, I sighed because of how comfortable I was in his arms. I really didn't want to move but, I knew I had to. Matt then whispered to me. "Babe, I know you don't want to but I need to give my mom some food." I sighed and looked up at him. "You're lucky that I'm hungry too. I was really comfortable in your arms." Matt smiled when I said that and nodded. "You always are." I smiled and nodded when he said that because it was true. No matter where we were, I was almost the most comfortable in his arms. 

Matt then let me out of his arms so that I could get some plates. "Nancy, breakfast is ready." Matt's mom then turned to look at me and smiled. "Where do you want me to put Matteo?" I then smiled. "The play mat is in our room but, we need to get him a activity center. Unless we already got that. I keep forgetting." Matt then turned to look at me and bit his lip. "Check his closet. I think we put some of the stuff the firehouse gave us in there." I smiled and went to see.

Walking into the nursery, I opened the closet and then bent down to see we had an activity center for him. I went to try and grab it but, I needed some help. Quickly popping my head out to look at Matt. "Can you come and help me get it out? I want to make it so that Matteo has stuff to do today while we talk to your mom." Matt nodded. "Come eat first. Then, we'll set it up." I agreed and smiled before walking back out to the kitchen. "Looks cute though, will be helpful."

Matt agreed and smiled as he made us all plates of pancakes. "By the way, what time are we thinking of going to the soup kitchen at the firehouse? I was thinking lunch rush might be less busy." I bit my lip when he asked. "Maybe we can just set up and bring some cans. We can leave when it gets busy." I agreed and nodded. "Want me to call Boden and tell him we're coming to help set up." I nodded and smiled at him. "Sure, do it before breakfast. I want to go right after."

Matt was about to say something when his mom interrupted. "I mean, after we do gifts after all." Matt then chuckled and smiled. "Of course mom. Now, let's get eating before these pancakes get cold." I agreed and smiled as I went to sit at the table next to Matt while Nancy kept Matteo in her lap while she ate. However, Matt didn't know if she was really okay with that. "Mom, you want us to take Matteo from your arms for a bit so you can eat?" She shook her head and smiled.

"Matt, I'm fine. It's not like I haven't done this before. Let me remind you that I've had 2 kids." Matt nodded and smiled. "Yes, and you were an amazing mom. I really shouldn't doubt what you do as a grandmother." She nodded and smiled when he said that. "Exactly. Because last time I checked, I was going to be your babysitter tomorrow and I am positive one more night before I leave." Me and Matt then both looked at each other confused, having not planned anything.

Nancy then looked at both of us. "C'mon, don't tell me that it hasn't crossed your mind yet to ask me to watch him while you go on a date sometime?" Matt sighed and shook his head. "We haven't really thought that way in months to protect our health. Honestly, most of our dates have been in the living room in front of the TV watching recordings or movies." Nancy nodded and smiled. "I see that you guys have a lot of recordings on the PVR. Hit the wrong button."

I chuckled and smiled. "Yes, that's because this guy here never cancelled my recordings while I was gone. However, I am glad he didn't because I've been able to catch up on shows like Manifest and the Amazing Race." Nancy smiled when I said that. "That Josh Dallas guy from Manifest, I keep wondering where I recognize him." I laughed and smiled when she said that. "He played Prince Charming/David in ABC's Once Upon a Time. His wife played Snow White." 

Nancy nodded and agreed, smiling. "That's where I recognize him. Great show." I smiled and agreed. That's when we both noticed Matt just looked at me confused. "Okay, I've never watched those shows so..." I then looked at him. "My Sunday night obsession while we were married. The one about the Disney fairy tales." Matt nodded and realized what show I was talking about now. "Oh, that show. Right, now I remember." I laughed and smiled while grabbing his hand.

Matt then rubbed it before going back to eating his breakfast. "So, mom what do you plan on doing while we're at the firehouse? You going to watch him or are you going to join us in serving at the soup kitchen for lunch?" Nancy thought about it and smiled. "I can watch him. I need to stay away anyways. Actually, how about you guys go and I can stay here?" I turned to look at Matt and thought about it. "It would protect your mom's and Matteo's health."

Matt nodded and agreed. "Mom, you sure you're okay with that? I mean, you must want to spend time with me." Nancy nodded and smiled. "We can later. However, I am not going to stop you from donating your time to a worthy cause. Now, let's eat up before the food gets cold." I agreed and smiled before starting to eat breakfast. I was starting to get hungry and was ready to watch Matteo open a few gifts before we left to go do the soup kitchen.


NOTE TO READERS: I've decided to just skip to when Matt and Gabby are leaving to go to the firehouse and I am not going to be writing about the gifts Matteo got from his grandmother/parents. But, I will tell you them. Matteo got some plush toy animals from his grandmother (a dog and rabbit), Matt and Gabby each got a personalized first aid kit for work with their names on it, and Matt and Gabby got (as a couple) some silverware (as a wedding gift) and some vouchers for a couple's massage at a local spa in Chicago. 

Now, let's get Matt and Gabby to the firehouse!

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