Chapter 969

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Gabby's POV: Once we all grabbed some plates, we went to sit down at the table. Sitting down next to Matt, I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me. I was about to grab my first bite when I heard Antonio's voice. "Mind if we join this table?" I turned to look at him and was shocked. "Hey. I didn't know you were coming!" I then got up and went to hug him. "Merry Christmas." I smiled and kissed his cheek before looking at Sylvie. "How are you feeling?" She smiled. "Good."

Matt then went and hugged her too. "You guys making the announcement today?" Antonio turned to look at Sylvie and bit his lip. "Haven't decided yet. However, we need to get food." Sylvie agreed and smiled as she walked inside. Matt then smiled as we sat back down. "You knew he was coming today didn't you?" He chuckled and smiled. "Wanted to keep it a surprise in case he or Sylvie changed their mind. Didn't know how good she would be feeling."

I nodded and agreed as I grabbed his hand. "That reminds me, we need to call your sister today remember?" Matt nodded and agreed. "My mom is probably going to want to do that anyways." Jay then chuckled. "Your mom staying at your place?" I nodded. "For another 3 nights. She's watching Matteo while we're on shift tomorrow." Erin sighed. "Oh, that sucks." I nodded and smiled. "It's okay. Better us than Sylvie." Matt smiled when I said that.

That's when I heard Severide walk up to us. "These seats taken?" I looked at Stella and nodded. "Sorry guys, my brother and Sylvie are sitting there." Stella understood. "Of course girl. By the way, how was his first Christmas morning?" I smiled when she asked. "It went great. He got some nice stuffed animals from his grandmother and we got him some toys. However, this is what Matt got me." I then went and showed her the necklace he got me with Matteo's birthstone in it.

Severide was impressed. "Dang Matt, that's a nice gift you got Dawson." Matt then turned to look at him and smiled. "Luckily for me, I already knew Gabby would like it because of gifts I've bought for her in the past. Makes it a lot easier to shop for her when I've already bought gifts for my wife before when we were married the first time." He agreed and smiled. "So, when can we expect you to be back here for a shift sometime?" Matt smiled when he asked. "Tomorrow."

Severide was shocked when Matt said that. "Really?" I nodded and smiled. "The paramedics are out sick. Matt's mom is staying in town an extra day so she can watch Matteo. It'll be nice to get back on Ambo. However, I need to talk to Chief and make sure it's all settled." That's when we heard Chief walk up. "I promise to provide extra PPE in the ambulance. I've instructed the paramedics to stock it up with double the amount today. Need to keep Matteo safe."

I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Just to let you know, we are not coming back full-time yet. I would like to wait at least another two months. I was thinking of coming back full-time on March 1st if that's okay?" Chief nodded and smiled. "That sounds perfect. Same for you Matt?" Matt then turned his head. "Sorry, was talking to Jay. What's the question?" I turned to look at him and smiled. "I just told Chief about how we are thinking of going back March 1st."

Matt nodded and agreed. "Yes. However, I want to be the designated reliever. Need to get experience doing paramedic work without Gabby. I mean, if that's okay with you Gabby." I nodded and agreed, liking the idea. "Sounds perfect. But listen, let's eat before the food gets cold. It'll get cold faster since we are sitting outside." Boden nodded and agreed. "Matt, I want to remind you that your First Aid is due at the end of the year. It'll only take a day to do it."

I nodded and agreed. "Can I do it on the job? I mean like during the shift...Gabby can grade me?" Chief nodded and agreed. "That works. I will accept that." Matt nodded and smiled when he said that. "Say hi to Donna and Terrence for us and wish them Merry Christmas." He nodded and smiled before walking away. Me and Matt then turned to our food and started to eat. "So, what are you doing this afternoon Antonio? You have the place to yourselves?"

Antonio nodded and smiled. "Sylvie wants to look at a little chapel not too far out of the city. We're only inviting our family to the wedding. We've decided to do it before the twins arrive." I smiled when he said that before nodding. "That sounds fun. When are you thinking?" Sylvie then smiled as she grabbed Antonio's hand. "Valentine's Day." I then sighed and looked at Antonio. "Think you can do it another day. We already have plans that day. Well...I made some."

Matt then turned to look at me. "What are you talking about?" I smiled at him. "Surprise for your birthday." He nodded and understood before grabbing my hand. Antonio then sighed. "Maybe we can do a summer wedding after the twins are born then Sylvie. I mean, you look beautiful now but, are you really going to walk down the aisle when you're this pregnant?" Sylvie thought about it and nodded. "Might allow us to invite more people if we wait. Then we can do it outside." I agreed and smiled. "Exactly what I was thinking."

Matt chuckled. "Maybe, if you want....we can do a double wedding? I would like to give Gabby a real wedding. And since you're probably already inviting your family...we might as well." Antonio thought about it and then looked at me and Sylvie. "I am not going to say no because I love the idea. However, I am going to leave it up to you girls. After all, you guys9 would be in charge of planning the wedding." I bit my lip and looked at Sylvie. 

Sylvie then nodded and smiled. "I like the idea." I agreed and smiled. "However, that means we are inviting some of Matt's family too. You positive you don't mind having a convicted criminal at your wedding?" Antonio thought about it and remembered. "You mean your mom Matt?" Matt nodded and sighed. "Yes." Sylvie looked at us both and smiled. "Of course, she's family."

Matt smiled when Sylvie said that. "Then it's agreed. We do a vow renewal while you guys get married. And we are each other's best men. Again for you." Antonio chuckled and smiled. "Oh, and we can walk each other's girls down the aisle. I don't know if Sylvie's parents are coming?" Sylvie looked at Antonio and sighed. "No, they are not happy about this. They've disowned me." Antonio sighed and looked at her. "Sorry about that." Sylvie nodded and then rubbed his hand.

I then looked at Gabby. "Then we will walk each other's girls down the aisle. Or, the girls can walk each other down the aisle. Like Gabby welcoming her new sister-in-law into  the family." Gabby liked that. "That sounds great. Anyways, you need to carry Matteo down the aisle since he might not be able to walk by then." Jay was confused when I said Matteo. "Why would Matteo go down the aisle with you guys?" I smiled. "Who do you think is going to be our ring bearer?"

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