23. The Bloodiest Of Them All

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 23: The Bloodiest Of Them All

Martin gestures to Elias, telling him to move me from what I was seeing, that I was unstable, unreliable in a crowd searching for a new leader, a harsh, vindictive leader and Martin had it all. Standing there, he overthrew the council in one sweep, one order, one slice of poison. I stare at Kade's body, my own growing weaker and weaker, before Elias picks me up, staring straight-forward as he ushers me from the room under instruction. My skin was electrified, gripping Elias for dear life, "What has he done? Elias, what the fuck has he done?!" I cry out, the doors snap closed and his associates, the remaining elders face us both while Elias rests me on the staircase, leaning down, he grips my shoulders.

My eyes were filled with the salty substance that reddens them raw, "Why did you agree to this?" I question him, shoving his hands off of me, he doesn't allow it, making me stare into his eyes.

"Listen to me, there are things you just don't understand—"

I cut him off, "Then fucking explain to me why the hell he just killed all those loyal to the council. Charles, Kade—oh god, Kade. He...he..." He stepped away, he left that balcony. Why would he go back? After what he said...I still in my form, Kade knew something was going onto go down here and he...he let Martin do that to him anyway? Why? Oh, goddess, why.

Elias—I stare into his eyes, his beard gone and his hair looks natural, "Have you aged? Transformed—younger?" I whisper at the sudden shock of its he use to have a white beard, the robes use to stand out more, his brown eyes now had a caramel touch to them. I stand abruptly, tilting away from him when he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer. I stare into his eyes, I had more questions than answers.

He studies me, "You're only now noticing?" He questions.

"Even your voice has changed." I state, wanting to focus on anything else other than what I saw in there. I twist my wrist out of his grip, pulling away, my professor wasn't him anymore. That professor was much older, at least in his seventies, whereas shockingly, the man in front of me looked like he was in his forties, if that. His hair a deep reddish brown colour. Skin looked tanner.

I stare at all of him, he purses his lips, "Not even I can explain this change. It was not meant to happen on this soil." He mutters, folding his hands back under the robe, before I had seen him clench a fist, using the same hand he grabbed me with.

"Tell me the truth. Why did he just kill the council and no one, not even the cameras are stopping this? You're not even doing anything and you said you were loyal to the bloody Council." I spit, staring him down.

He only stares, "It has never been the council in which we are loyal to, Celeste." He tells me.

I clench my jaw as I stare at him, "He's been gathering allies since he got here, hasn't he?"

He sighs, "It's far more complicated than that. He's a King, Celeste. This is an order no one can rally against and if you must get technical, we are not here for his protection, we are here for yours." He points at me.

I scoff and wipe my eyes, "You truly think you're some fucking sentinel for me? Are you bloody kidding me? Where the gigantic fuck have you been the past few weeks telling me to embrace the abuser like some sort of moronic know-it-all?" I ask him, pointing at the doors past the other elders who stand there and say, and do nothing.

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