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-george pov-

clay and i spent the entire night watching movies. it was nearly 2am now, when we finally decided to go to sleep. seeing clay suggested it, i decided to sleep with him.

we shut the tv off in the basement and began to make our way back upstairs to clays room.

"i cant wait to sleep" i said while yawning.

"i cant wait to sleep with you too, george" i could hear his smile.

i jokingly rolled my eyes as i made it to the top of the stairs. seeing clays parents weren't home i didn't have to worry about being quiet, so i didn't bother to tiptoe.

we made our way over to clays room. he opened the door quickly. then ran and jumped onto his bed.

i quietly laughed as i slowly my way over to the bed. now standing next to it, clay lifted up the covers and motioned for me to get in.

right as i moved my leg up to get on the bed, clay pulls his arms out. making it look like he wants a hug.

"come here" he spoke.

i pulled myself up onto the bed and laid down next to clay. he put his arm around my waist and scooted onto my chest.

i held my breathe not knowing what to do next. then awkwardly wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

he looked up at me, bringing our faces closer together. he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

not giving me anytime to react, he had already brought his head back down onto my shoulder.

"wow clay, desperate aren't we?" i joked.

"shut up, you know you like it"

"i know you do as well, seeing you're always so desperate to kiss me"

"as well? so you're admitting to now?"

"shut up" is all that i replied, knowing clay was right.

minutes later i began to hear slight snores coming from the blonde on my chest. seeing it was late i decided to fall asleep as well. i was comfortable how i was. i fell asleep without moving a muscle.


i slowly opened my eyes noticing clay was gone. i slightly pouted as i got up from the bed attempting to go find him.

right as i was about to open the door clay had already opened it, almost hitting me with it. i quickly backed up before clay spoke up. "sorry, carter called me. i didn't want to wake you up"

"that's fine, don't worry about it" i simply replied.

"he's mad you spent the night," clay told. "he thinks i'm going to ditch him or something"

"really? that's what sapnap thinks too"

"i get where they are coming from though" clay laughed. "besides, i like hanging out with you"

i smiled. "you're fun to hang out with too" 

"i know i am," clay smirked. "no need to tell me"

"shut up" i laughed in response.

"you know you love me, george. just admit it"

"you're right, i love you"

clay widened his eyes at the sentence, obviously not expecting me to say that. "i didn't actually expect you to say it. not yet at least" he grinned.

"i can say i love you all you want me to. seeing theres a difference"

"and what might that difference be?" he questioned. "a difference between what?"

"well, to me at least, there's a difference between loving someone, and saying you're in love with them"

"as long as you love me, that's still a win for me" he smirked.


it was around noon time and clay had dropped me back off at my house. i waved goodbye to him right as he backed out of the driveway.

the first thing i see when i walk through the front door was of course carter waiting for me on the couch.

"look who's finally back"

"what do you want?" i replied trying to get whatever this was over with.

"why is it all of the sudden you keep hanging out with clay?"

"why do you care?"

"because he's my friend" was all that he replied.

"doesn't mean he's not my friend as well..."

"look, george. i don't give a fuck if you hang out with him. but if you steal him from me things aren't going to end well, got it?"


i walked away speechless. not know what the hell had just happened. 'if i steal clay from him?' what the hell is that even supposed to mean?

i immediately made my way to my room. then getting on call with sapnap.  he answered almost immediately, and sounded excited to talk to me. "george! you're back!"

"hi sapnap, how's it going"

"it's boring without you george. there's nothing to do"

"sorry, i've just been hanging out with clay and stuff"

"again?!" he asked. "honestly though, it wouldn't surprise me if you liked him"

"sapnap! i don't like him, we're just friends"

"would you tell clay you loved him? if your life depended on it" he asked.

i hesitated before answering. yet i decided to do it anyways. "i already did tell him that..."

there was a long pause. "YOU LIKE HIM?!"


"what do you mean 'no' didn't you  just say  you told him you loved him"

"i guess i need to explain this to another person," i jokingly sighed. "to me saying you love someone and saying you're in love with someone are two completely different things"

"oh really? then why don't you ever say it to me"

"i love you, sapnap"

"that doesn't mean anything to me," he replied. "i'm sticking to my theory"

all for a dareजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें