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-george pov-

i nodded my head as he began walking further into the lake. my legs were wrapped around clays waist, him still holding onto me.

he went deeper and deeper into the lake, the water now up to his neck.

"don't go in any deeper" i told him. "i'm not going to, alright? no need to panic george"

"okay, yeah" i agreed.

he slowly walked deeper into the water. slow enough so that i didn't notice.

out of no where clay goes underwater, pulling me down with him. thankfully i held my breathe before going under.

seconds later he pulled us both back above water. him immediately bursting into laughter.


"yes george?" he said in between laughs.

"don't do that again" i began to laugh as well.

"oh come on, it was funny"

"okay mr 'no need to panic george'" i mocked.

"well...now there's no need to panic" he joked.

"you're an idiot"

thankfully clay began to make his way back to the deck. he stopped at an area where i would be able to touch the ground. then attempted to let go of me.

he released his hands from my waist, my legs still wrapped around him. i quickly wrap my arms around his neck, making sure i wouldn't fall backwards into the water.

"let go, you can reach now"

"no" i replied back.

"don't make me do something so you will want to pull away"

"and what could that possibly be?" i said raising an eyebrow.

"something like this" clay responded.

seconds later he leaned in closer to me, connecting our lips. i hesitated before kissing back, deciding to do it anyways. he pulled away seconds later. now looking into my eyes.

"i thought that was supposed to make me want to pull away"

"i gusss not, huh?" he smirked. "guess you enjoyed that then"

"shut up," i said sarcastically. "lets go back to the deck"

clay carried me back to the deck, slowly releasing me into the water. he lifted himself back onto the deck first. followed by me lifting myself up.

we decided to sit back down on the deck to dry off before putting our clothes back on.

about ten minutes later we were both dried off. we put our clothes back on and sat back down next to each other.

"should we get going? i never told anyone i left" i asked.

"yeah sure, we can go right now"


we both sat up from the end the deck and began walking back to the path. clay went ahead of me holding the branches back like he did before.

we got back into the car and clay connected his bluetooth. he handed me his phone with his spotify opened, wanting me to play a song.

i clicked the search button and began typing in the name of a song. i found the right song and clicked play.

now playing: sex by EDEN

clay and i sang along to the entire song on the way home. when the song came to an end i grabbed his phone once again, putting a few songs on queue.

now playing: Bossa No Sé by Cuco feat. Jean Carter

once this song came to an end a bunch of other queued songs started to play. there was a mix of 5SOS, arctic monkeys, and PATD.

before clay dropped me off at my house we stopped and got food. we decided to stop at wendys. seeing it was the only fast food place on the way back home.

he continued driving back to my house after getting food. not long after he pulled into my driveway and parked his car.

"thanks for coming, i had a good time"

"thanks for forcing me to come," i laughed. "i had a good time too"

i opened the car door and stepped out of it. i turned around and waved at clay, who was now backing out of the driveway.

once he was gone i walked back into the house where i was met with my mom.

"hello, george! there's some left over food if you're hungry"

"i'm good, thanks though. clay and i stopped and ate food"

"oh okay" she replied unbothered.

i made my way upstairs and headed over in the direction of my room. right as i shut my door i heard carter open his, walking down the hall in my direction.

he then opens my door without knocking, looking over in my direction.

"did you say you went somewhere with clay?"


"and why is your hair damp" he asked.

"no reason" i replied, not answering the question.

"okay whatever"

he walked out of my room not shutting the door. i rolled my eyes as i walked over to it. shutting it myself. i took my shoes off and walked over to my bed. i sat the the very end and pulled out my phone.

when i received a text message from clay.

we should hang out more if that means
i get to kiss you now ;)

i can consider it :)

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