The Uncharted

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Markus grunted as he regained consciousness. Everything at first to him was a blur as he had trouble remembering the previous events that occurred. Then little by little, it all came back to him...the storm.

He righted himself as he was still inside the bridge, still in his chair from before. Everyone else in the room was also regaining their senses as they began to become aware of their surroundings again. One thing that stood out to everyone was the lack of rocking of their ship. Outside, the storm was gone. Only white clouds were in the sky as sunlight flooded in from the bridge windows.

"SAAM, report?" The AI's orange sphere of data reappeared on the holo-table. "We are out of the storm Admiral. However when that giant wave hit I lost functionality for a few minutes, and all ship data within that time period has been corrupted."

"Understood. Comms, make contact with fleet command, alert them of our situation." Markus said to the female communications officer who began dialing in to get signal.

"Nav I need a fix on our current location."
"Aye Admiral."

"Admiral. I can't get a signal with fleet command." The communications officer informed as she failed to acquire any signal.

"Try contacting NORAD." Markus ordered as the communications officer attempted to establish contact but couldn't gain any signal. "Unable to establish contact sir."

This was starting to get out of hand. "Any chance the comms fish is malfunctioning?" Markus asked feeling a bit uneasy. "Negative Admiral, it's working fine. I just can't reach signal with anyone."

"Set an open channel for me." Markus ordered, getting tired of this and hoping someone would hear them. "Channel is open sir."

"This is Admiral Robert Markus of the USS Trident I'm speaking on an open channel. To all who can hear me please respond, over." He spoke into a mouthpiece attached to his chair and awaited for an answer. There was none as only static echoed through the bridges speakers. "This is Admiral Robert Markus of the USS Trident, to all who can hear me on this open channel please respond, over." He waited again for any response but only received static as no reply came over the radio. "This is Admiral Markus of the USS Trident to all who can hear me please respond, over." Static filled the bridge as no reply came. "This is Admiral Markus of the USS Trident does anyone copy, over?" Again all he received was static. "This is Admiral Markus does anybody read me, over?" Again nothing but static. "Can anybody out there hear me?" He hanged up the radio as he still wasn't receiving any reply.

"Nav, what's our current position?" He moved on to the navigation officer who looked a bit worried. "Admiral, I'm unable to get a fix on our location. Satellite GPS is not responding."

"Admiral, the satellite radars are also experiencing the inability to work." SAAM piped in. "I also ran a scan on the ship. All systems are running at capacity. I don't believe the problem has to do with us. It has to do with the outside."

Markus rubbed his hand against his forehead. This whole situation was just getting worse. "Launch alert three aircraft. Have them check out our surroundings and find out where the hell we are." Markus ordered as he was getting tired of this situation.

From the port side airfield, the hangar doors began to reopen again and four F-16/F Fighting Falcon IIs began to taxi onto the runway in formations of two.

"Viper 2-1, Viper 2-3 your first in line. Windbreaker 1-2, Windbreaker 1-4 you're second in line behind Viper." The control tower began calling out the two squadrons as the planes lined up on the runway.

"Viper 2-1 good copy. Viper 2-3 prep for take off, good hunting."

"Viper 2-3 roger."

The first two Falcons began to emit huge jets of fire from their thrusted as the turbofan tucked in their belly began to spin faster, sucking in more air and adding more power to the thruster. The brakes of the first Falcon followed by the second disengaged and the two birds took off down the runway at high speed before taking flight as the wings caught the air.

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