The Storm

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Newly appointed Admiral Markus sat in the back seat of a black government vehicle. Currently on route towards the western coast of California where his new 'ship' was awaiting him. For a few years he had served in commanding ships of the United States Navy, sailing out in international waters in 'Freedom of Navigation' exercises and taking part in the Second Korean War in naval support for ground forces.

Now he would have an entire fleet under his command instead of receiving orders from a superior Admiral.

"Admiral, we're approaching the base. You can see the Trident from here sir." His drive called out, prompting him to look out the black tinted window. From the freeway he had a very good view of the Naval base he was currently headed towards, as well as the behemoth of a vessel that even an aircraft carrier looked tiny when compared.

The USS Trident

The Trident was a monumental feat of engineering and dedication for the United States. An icon for the nation's military superiority. A massive floating fortress of a scale never seen before. It was much bigger than even the entire harbor as it itself was also capable of being a harbor for military vessels. An aircraft carrier and several other smaller naval vessels were already docked in it's aft and port harbor sections. Massive airfield sporting all sorts of aircraft of different sizes and roles were in place on the port and starboard. What stood out the most were the three conning towers, the out two being flight control towers for aircraft and the large center tower being the bridge tower where the ship was operated from. The three towers gave off a trident fork look, hence it's namesake.

Admiral Markus gazed over the massive vessel as the vehicle broke from the freeway and onto another road, headed for the naval base on the shore. As they got closer, the Trident got bigger, and bigger to the point he could barely see the upper parts of the hull and only make out the conning towers.

After a few minutes of driving, the. Who left arrived at the entrance of the naval base and stopped at a checkpoint where a security officer was waiting. "Identification please?" He said as Markus reached for his wallet and pulled it ID card.

"Admiral Robert Markus." He said as the officer used a device to scan the card and a green light appeared. The officer handed back the guard, opened the road block, and saluted.

The vehicle drove inside where naval staff and marines were doing various activities. The car came to a stop before a series of helicopter pads where a UH-1Y Venom with it's rotors on was waiting for them.

"Well this is outlet stop Admiral." The driver said Markus opened his door and exited. "Good luck to you sir!"

Admiral Markus approached the helicopter as a high ranking naval officer, with a lower rank than him, opened the side door and greeted him. "Admiral Markus, Commander Hopper, second commanding officer of the USS Trident." He saluted the Admiral and the two shook hands.

"I believe this is my next ride to my new ship?" Markus asked as he boarded the helicopter.

"Yes sir." Hopper responded as he closed the side door and signaled for the pilot to take off. "Should only be just a short hop. We've been awaiting for your arrival for sometime." The helicopter began to gain altitude and rise off the asphalt landing zone and into the air before flying towards the USS Trident.

They first passed over the battleship USS Missouri of the Montana-class nuclear battleships. The concept of using battleships was returned after the development of the coilguns as they would need large, nuclear powered ships for the weapons to work. Both because of how much space they needed, and how much energy they required to operate.

Then, they began flying over the Trident. "What did you think of her sir? Quite the site to behold." Hopper said as they looked down at the port side airfield. A C-5M Super Galaxy made an approach after being granted permission to land, flags down and gear deployed, the massive plane touched down before hitting the air brakes, bringing the massive plane to a stop. The airfield was outside the vessel while the hanger were built into the hull. It was about the same size as a normal land based airfield.

Trident (discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin