Friends (8)

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A couple of months later

Although my first few weeks in Chicago were uneventful I had to say that the 2 worst things that had happened to me so far were the ones that had brought me the best things. I had become very close to the guys at firehouse 51 and district 21 and everyone had been so kind in helping me out with my apartment situation.

Without my knowledge, they had also come together and collected some money so I could get more clothes. I had to say at the beginning I felt incredibly out of place within the group, being the only one who wasn't a firefighter, or a cop or a doctor but everyone made me feel at home. I guess they all also liked having someone to talk to who wasn't under the same pressure all the time.

I had become particularly close with Jay and we were both always happy to see each other. He had been a big help during my whole apartment ordeal even though we weren't able to find the culprit. He was also constantly checking in on me which I thought to be because I told him I was getting a little paranoid.

Everything was falling into place, my mom was no longer bugging me every 5 seconds about my safety and I could honestly say I felt safe. Hermann, Otis, and Gabby had also been kind enough to give me a job at Molly's so I was keeping myself busy while being surrounded by friends.

One night I wasn't on shift at the bar I decided to walk around chatting to everyone. I was walking around when I bumped into someone accidentally. "Oh, I'm so sorry." I turned to face a blonde girl with short hair. I recognized her as one of the cops from Jay's team.

"Don't worry about it." She smiled at me.

"I'm y/n, I don't think we've met yet." I introduced myself.

"I'm Erin, Erin Lindsay." She shook my hand.

I tried my best not to react to the name that I recognized from the first time I met Jay. "It's a pleasure," I said as we released from the handshake.

"I'm sorry about your apartment, I heard. Are you settling in better though?" She asked me.

"Yeah, everyone's been great, they've helped me out with everything." we continued chatting.

We were having some small talk when I saw Jay, walk-in. He looked at me and Erin talking and his eyes widened. He stood at the door for a few seconds before gesturing me to see him outside. I gave him a discrete nod.

"Well Erin, it was a pleasure to meet you, I have to meet with my landlord soon so I better get going." I lied to get outside.

"Sure, I'll see you around y/n." She smiled at me.

I walked outside where I saw Jay nervously pacing. "Jay." I got his attention.

"Why were you talking to Erin? Did she say something about me? What did-" Jay began questioning me.

"Woah Woah Woah, Jay calm down. I bumped into her and we just got to chatting. Nothing about you I promise." I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"It's just things didn't exactly end smoothly between us and I just don't want you to get the wrong idea about me." Jay started speaking.

I was about to answer when I saw Will step out of his car and come towards us. "Hey guys." he hugged me and then gave Jay a bro hug.

"Hi Will, you alright?" I asked him.

"Of course, has Jay confessed his feelings yet?" Will poked fun at his brother.

"Get out of here." Jay slapped his arm while Will ran inside the bar laughing.

"What's he talking about?" I asked Jay smiling at their banter.

"Can we go back to my place?" He asked me and I could tell he was a bit nervous.

"Sure, is everything alright?" I asked him now feeling a little nervous myself.

Reason to this madness (Jay Halstead x reader)Where stories live. Discover now