Drive home (5)

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Jay and I walked outside and he held his car door open for me. I hopped in.

"I'm so sorry about the drink." He apologized again "About everything."

"Jay, it's fine." I turned to face him. "Please just stop apologizing"

"ok, I'm sor-" He stopped himself.

"Why don't we start over?"

"Ok, yeah that would be perfect." He sounded relieved.

"I'm y/n, y/n y/l/m." I smiled.

"I'm Jay, Jay Halstead." He smiled back at me.

"So Jay Halstead, how do you know where to go if I haven't even told you where I live?"

"Well you see, I interviewed this woman the other day, I was a douche to her, but she gave me your address so I know where you live." He played along.

"hmm, is it often that you remember people's addresses?" I questioned him again.

He didn't answer and instead kept looking forward. We were silent for a while.

"So your brother is a doctor and you're a cop, your parents must be proud."

"My mom was yeah, she passed a couple of years ago. My dad...I don't really talk to him."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, no apologies remember." He gave me a weak smile.

"So are you from Chicago?"

"Yeah born and raised for many generations." He told me proudly.

We finally got to my apartment building. Jay quickly hopped out of the car to open the door for me. "I'll walk you in." He told me.

We walked into the front doors and I saw the landlord standing behind the front desk. "Miss y/n, there's been a break-in at your apartment I'm not sure if anything was taken."

"What-" I muttered as I ran to the elevator to go up to my floor, Jay following close behind me.

We arrived on the floor and I ran to my door which had been broken off its hinges. "You have got to be kidding me!" I screamed frustrated.

We then heard something crash inside my apartment. "Wait here" Jay whispered pushing me behind him and taking out his gun. He walked inside my apartment, gun raised checking to see where the source of the noise was. "All clear." Jay hollered at me walking back to the door. "I think it was one of your picture frames that fell."

I walked in and just felt like crying out of frustration. I walked around finding several broken things. I walked into my room and opened my drawer looking for something specific. "No!" I cried falling down to my knees.

"What?" Jay rushed to my side.

"They took my necklace, my Grandmother's necklace, my mom gave it to me when I moved here, it's sort of like a good luck charm. I never take it out of its box because I'm afraid of losing it but they've taken it." I explained to him trying to remain calm although I just felt like crying.

"Look, I've called for some backup, they can check it out, but for now you can't stay here." Jay place a hand on my shoulder. "C, mon." He extended his hand out to me.

"I have nowhere to go Jay." I sighed taking his hand and getting up.

"You're staying with me don't worry." He smiled.

"Oh no, you don't have to-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer y/n." He cut me off.

I gave him a soft smile. "Ok, I'll just grab some clothes then." I grabbed a gym bag and started tossing a couple of things in there. I opened my closet and furrowed my brows.

"What?" Jay asked me noticing my change of expression.

"Whoever broke in stole a bunch of my clothes..." I said confused.

Jay looked confused and walked over to stand beside me, he noticed items had been moved around and it looked very empty.

"That's a first for me...Let's go y/n." He said grabbing my arm gently and pulling me in front of him. I noticed he looked uncomfortable.

Reason to this madness (Jay Halstead x reader)Where stories live. Discover now