DIKY - 1 - Forget

Start from the beginning

"Dusty?" Killer opened the door to my room.


"Time to go again."


I pulled myself out of my bed, checking for my weapons; they were on me. After that was settled, I followed Killer out to the living room, where Nightmare, Cross, and Error were waiting; we had decided that until the opposition passed, we were going to have to stick together at all times. Honestly, we were wondering if the opposition would pass..with everything proceeding like it was, we would have been lucky if they even gave us a break for one day, let alone a week. When we were ready, we decided to take the chance of going to a very negative universe, which might have been able to ward our adversaries off for at least a little while. Once we were in, we started immediately to cause chaos; we had no idea when our enemies would have arrived, and we weren't taking chances. We wished that we could simply portal out whenever they came to stop us, but they had also taken the time to develop a portal-blocking device; however, it only lasted for ten minutes, which was better than forever. We had only been in the universe for two minutes when our adversaries arrived, and I started the timer as Ink stepped up to face us once again.

"Nightmare and gang!" Ink had changed his line, since we couldn't actually leave anymore. "Surrender your weapons; you're under arrest!"

"Not.." Nightmare was feeling the effects of overwhelming positivity; he had been suffering.. "Happening.."

"Then we'll battle once more."

Our enemies began to attack us, and we tried our best to fight back; unfortunately, we could only fight so long before we broke, and our point was coming. I had noticed that our opponents weren't exhibiting exhaustion as we were..that allowed them to be faster and more efficient than us, which didn't help our situation in the slightest. Cross and I fought Ink, as always, and Paps was helping us; Chara helped Killer and Error against the swap brothers, since he could manipulate attacks now, as well. I was thankful that Paps was helping us, since Ink's swings with his paintbrush were weaker than they would have been otherwise; Paps is the best. I noted that we had been fighting for five minutes when Ink's tempo began to pick up, causing him to land many more hits than before. Cross still had enough energy to keep up with the dodging, but I wasn't as fortunate; Ink didn't even have to try to hit me. I just tried to attack as much as possible when I realized that trying to dodge attacks was going to do more harm than good. There was one minute left when I was fighting to stand up. Thirty seconds remained when Cross had lost his speed. Twenty seconds were left as Ink decided to pick up his pace once more. Ink looked at me when there were but ten seconds. He raised his brush at eight. He swung it at five. I was trying to find some magic to make a portal when I was struck at four. He had hit me near the soul; it hurt badly, but I couldn't focus on that.

The sound of portals retreating filled the air, and we were gone in an instant..

I blacked out.

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