26 - Protected

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I had been trapped in a black void that I believed was a coma for a time period I didn't know the length of, and it just kept going on. I couldn't feel, see, or smell; I couldn't even tell how long it had been. All I could do was think, which I managed to do a lot of; I was in constant thought and hope for the entire time I was unconscious. I hoped my family was okay and Papyrus was happy. I couldn't stand not being able to see their faces or hear their voices, and I didn't know what would happen when I was conscious again, because I didn't know how much time had passed. I missed them, and I was homesick. I wanted to wake up from this accursed coma and see them again: I had to see them again. My wish came true. After what felt like an eternity, I opened my eyesockets, and saw the face of Killer; the amount of relief that overcame me was astounding.

"Dusty?" Killer asked. "Are ya awake for real this time?"

"What do you mean 'for real'?" I noticed that my entire body was in pain; I expected that. "Did I wake up playing pretend or something?"

"Ya mean ya don't remember?"


"Oh! Um..stay here! I'll be right back!"

Killer then ran out the door, and I was left with Papyrus- 


"Paps?" I would have hugged him if he wasn't a ghost. 

"Yes, brother, it is me! I was worried about you!" Papyrus replied.

"I missed you so much, Paps!" 

"I missed you too, brother!"

"You're the best, Paps. What exactly happened?"

"Brother, I would tell you, but I wouldn't do the story justice."

"That's crazy talk, Paps; you'd do anything justice."

"Nightmare also wrote a book about it."

"Oh. Don't want to spoil it for him, I see. You're the best, Paps."

"I am the Great Papyrus!" 

Before long, the door opened, and I saw the rest of my family, who looked more than happy to see me, and there was a large hug before any conversation was made; that was all I needed, and I was content. Nightmare began speaking first.

"You really had us worried, Dust." Nightmare stated. 

"What do you mean? Was I out for that long?" I questioned.

"Well, I really should start from the beginning. You were out for quite a long time: about seven months. When you woke up, there was an obvious problem, and, well..long story short, you were basically under the control of our enemies."


"Yes. I managed to remodel the magic restorer and add a safeguard against this type of occurrence after we saved you, and it's much more efficient now, as well; it was a good thing that you were asleep for that operation, because it would have hurt worse than the last one."

"So how long did that take?"

"About three months, then you were out for another, making this entire thing last about eleven months. Honestly, we were woried that you weren't going to make it."

"Did I hurt you?"

"That's not important."

"Dad. Did I hurt you?"


"What did I do?!" I was crying.

"Y-you nearly Killed Horror."

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