LI - 3 - Disaster

228 19 10


Question: Wait, what reason was it again that forbade u from commenting again? Email verification? Parents restrictions ? Aaaah idkkkkkk

Answer: It was my parents ;-; 


It had been about a week since my cover had been blown, and I hadn't managed to get any more information about the search plans; all we knew was that if they didn't know we had Ink before, they did now. As a result, we were keeping a closer watch on him than we had been before; we were not going to let him out of our sights. Ink actually liked the extra attention, as any two-year-old would..probably. In any case, he wasn't complaining about the fact that Error and Horror were around often, and he savored the extra chocolate he received because of it. We were currently playing with him in the living room. Ink was the leader of a rebel band made up of Killer, Nightmare, and me, and we were fighting against the tyranny of Error, Horror, and Cross; Ink hadn't specified what tyranny we were facing, but it seemed like a good cause. We were traversing a desert at the moment, and Ink was leading our party across the endless sand dunes; we were dehydrated, and an oasis was needed for our survival.

"Do ya see any water?" Killer hoped.

"Nope!" Ink hummed, looking for an oasis. "Oh, look! An osis!"

"Oasis." Nightmare corrected.


"Good job."

"Yay!" Ink clapped happily. "I see an oh-a-sis!"

"Where?" I acted like I was severely dehydrated.

"There!" Ink pointed to a water bottle that sat on a coffee table.

"Great work, Ink!" Nightmare praised, rubbing Ink's skull playfully.

"Hehe!" Ink giggled; he was adorable.

"Can we drink now?" Killer was dying of thirst.

"Goopdad drinks first!"


"Goopdad is strong!" Ink picked up the 'oasis' and handed it to Nightmare.

"Thank you, Ink." Nightmare pretended to drink the water.

"You welcome, Goopdad!" 

"All right, I'm done."

"No! More! Goopdad needs more!"

"But I.."


"Okay.." Nightmare pretended to drink more. "All right, I'm honestly full; I cannot drink any more."


"Shouldn't Dust and Killer get some water, too?"


"Why not?"

"Dusty and Kills aren't thirsty!"

"I thought I was.." Killer mentioned.

"You not thirsty! You de-hy-dray-ted!"

"Ink, that means that they're very thirsty." Nightmare chuckled.

Ink paused. "Then why they no say that?" 

"I am very thirsty." I said.

"Here go, Dusty!" Ink gave me the oasis, which I pretended to drink.

"Thank you, Ink."

"You welcome!" Ink took the oasis and gave it to Killer this time.

"Thanks, Inky!" Killer pretended to drink the oasis, and we were no longer thirsty.

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