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 You woke up feeling tired. Your hands covering your face from the bright sunlight that was peeking through your window blinds. As a yawn escaped your mouth, you stood up, and went to your bathroom, getting yourself ready for the day.

After speaking with the boys last night, you all parted ways. You had come up with a solid plan, and only a few changes were made. After finalizing your masterplan for catching the stalker, you said your goodbyes and said that you had some important research to do, which was true, but also not.

Your 'important research' was going on a clothes website and ordering more clothes. You didn't have enough with you, and if the boys ever came into your room, or took the liberty to investigate your house, your closet would give you away. It was full of all your old clothes, and in order to stay undercover, you needed more.

As you came out of the bathroom, you grabbed a towel to dry your face, and then proceeded to walk to your closet. There you got out an outfit, which you changed in to. After changing, you grabbed your black backpack, and headed out the door. You then walked back inside because your forgot to change out of your fuzzy pink socks, and more importantly, put on some shoes. You put on your black combat boots, and then headed out the door.

You were currently on your way to your house. The one you lived in before you 'died'. With your grandmother living in the senior center, you had it to yourself, and since you 'died', the boys have been living there. Two of them, anyway. You thought about all the evidence you had gathered, and the call you had gotten last night. When the stalker knew you were back, he sent you a message saying, "You can't hide under that mask forever, meet me at the warehouse in three days, where we'll finally meet, face to face."

When he called after sending the text, he asked for your confirmation of you coming to the warehouse. You agreed, and he bid you goodbye, calling you that creepy pet name you hated. Of all things, he decided to call you 'darling.' You had no problem with it, and you actually liked it. You just hated when he said it, because no matter how much you tried not to be scared, it always sent a chill down your spine.

As you pulled up into the driveway, you saw a brown haired Oliver standing on the porch. When you got out of your car, you had decided to address him.

"Oliver, was it?"

He had turned around and smiled at you, pulling you into a hug, which caught you by surprise.

"Indigo! You're here! I was waiting on you."

"Oh, were you now?" you said with a smirk, knowing he couldn't see it because of the mask you were wearing.

"Yeah, now that you're here, we can start. Come on!" he happily walked inside and lead you to your room, where everyone was already seated. 

"Guys, look! Indigo's here!"

"Finally, took you long enough." Titus gave no no type of attention, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

The rest of the boys looked up at you, addressing your presence. You heard 'hi's' and 'hello's' as you walked through the door, and you politely returned them all. Danny once again, was staring at you. He seemed to notice something, smirking to himself and looking back down at his laptop.

"So, I have some news, and I think we have some tings to discuss about the evidence I was talking about yesterday." you had your voice sound kind of like your normal one, but a little lower, ditching the masculine one. They already knew that you were a female, so you figured that you should speak like one.

"Which is what?" Seven asked.

"I got a text message last night from the stalker, he asked to meet at the warehouse in two days. He also called me last night to make sure I was going."

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