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**1 month later**

A month.

It's been a month.

A month since you got that mysterious call. A month of actually investigating. A month since you and Oliver talked. And to tell the truth, you missed him.

A lot.

You were getting close to figuring out where the call had come from, and have gotten more clues about the stalker. You and the boys were investigating together, Oliver included.  It all just didn't make sense. You had started to have a moment of realization, and you knew just who to go to.

You quickly sat up, looking over at your desk for your car keys. You saw the bmw tag sticking out from your jacket pocket. You took the keys out of the jacket pocket and put them into your purse. You then proceeded to put on your shoes, and bolted out the house. You called your friend on the way to his house. Driving with a sense of urgency, you tried to get there as fast as possible.

When you arrived, you ran to the door and knocked on it. He quickly came to the door and opened it. You both greeted each other, and then walked inside. You took off your shoes and left them by the door, and followed him upstairs to his room. You then began to explain everything to him, many emotions displaying on his face. When you finished, he spoke.

"So you need me to find the callers location?"

"Yeah. Can you do it Danny?"

"I can try. No promises though."

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much I appreciate that."

"Eh, it's not a problem. Tech is my thing anyways."

You both had started investigating. While Danny was trying to find what you asked of him, you were going over potential clues. You got many in all of the letters the stalker had given you. You stopped and analyzed what you had put together. You had another realization moment. The dates on the letters were coordinates. You could find whoever had been kidnapped, and free them. It was dangerous, but you were going to try.

"I got it."

"Great! Where is it?"

"Uh, I don't know if I should tell you. It's a dangerous area, and I-"

"I'll bring someone with me, so then I'll be safe. You don't have to worry about me Danny, I'll be fine."

After a long debate, he gave you the location. You then asked him to type in the coordinates you had found, and just as you suspected, they matched the callers location. Which meant that where the caller was, the stalker was also. 

"Is that all you needed me for?"

"Yeah, thanks for your help Danny. I really appreciate it. I did want to talk to you though."

"Oh? About what?" his head perked up.

"We haven't really seen each other in along time. We still text and call, but it's not the same. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

"Yeah, that sounds really nice. When?"

"Hmm, uh, I have no clue actually, this weekend good for you?"

"Yeah, I'm free."

"Alright then!" You had started to get your bag, but Danny had grabbed your hand and turned you around.

"Yes? Why did you grab me?" you asked, silently laughing.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"That's what you scared me for Danny, a movie?"


"Sure, sounds like fun."

You both walked downstairs. You trailed behind Danny. He told you to go and sit on the couch while he got the snack, and he let you pick the movie. You chose y/f/m and told Danny that you picked it out. After a couple minutes he came back with drinks, snacks, and a blanket. You helped him put everything in place. You then started the movie and got comfortable, you also thanked him for the snacks.

After the movie was over, you both found another one to watch. The movie was halfway in, when you heard a little snore. You looked to you shoulder to see Danny peacefully sleeping on your shoulder. You tucked him under the blanket, and let him sleep as you continued to watch the movie. You fought your sleep, and as the movie credits rolled you looked at Danny. You thought he looked so cute when he slept.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he sleepily mumbled.

"You're awake? I thought you were asleep."

"That's evident, you stared at me for a good five minutes."

"Sorry, you just look so cute when you're asleep." you said in between yawns.

"Someone's tired."

"I am not tired."

"Fine then, we'll see about that."

He sat up and grabbed the remote. He scrolled through until he found what he wanted to watch.


"Yeah, it's one of my favorite movies."

"I know, you used to imitate Mort all the time."

"I love you King Julien, I love you!" he said in Mort's voice, which had you laughing.

The movie began to play and you both cuddled under the blanket. About thirty minutes in you and Danny had fallen asleep. What you failed to notice, is that your phone was blowing up. You had missed calls and texts from the boys. They were worried about you and were trying to warn you. What you also didn't notice, is that you were being followed.

And he was closer than you thought.


I have nothing to say this time, except that we almost have 300 reads!!! thank you guys so much!

that's all, until next chapter.

i love you!

you're amazing!

im out! <3

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