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He fell to the ground. His breathing was staggered, and blood was all over the floor. You went into a rage, seeing one of your closest friends fall to the ground. Rushing at Titus, you unarmed him, and got him into a headlock from behind, making it harder for him to breathe.

"Y'know darling," he started, "this isn't going to change anything."

"Why would you do that to him?! He did nothing to you! He's a good person, I don't understa-"

"He also liked you darling. He told me everything, how he wanted to take you on date, and eventually make you his girlfriend. Seeing I had the same plans, I couldn't let that happen. Now, he lays on the ground, pale, and seemingly lifeless."

"Did you think you were gonna get away with this forever?"

"I put my acting skills to use, it seems I did get away with it for a while."

You were about to speak when you were stopped. Three men had walked into the room, all of them wearing all black suits. It appeared Titus had given them some sort of signal, because they lunged at you. You swiftly dodged them all, swiping the gun from the ground as you did. They all collided, rubbing their heads from the painful impact.

"Darling, there's four of us and one of you. What makes you think you can take us down? You're unarmed, and weak."

"Oh really, what's this then?" you questioned as you held up his gun.

"How did you get that?"

"I have my ways."

Before he could talk, you shot all three of his men in their heads, watching their bodies fall to the ground. Seven and the remaining boys stood in amazement as they watched you.

You were taken by surprise when red and blue light flashed in front of the building. Seeing the authorities were there, you then rushed to your friend who was on the ground.

"Are you okay? Wait, of course you're not you were shot. Why did you stand in front of him?"

"Because, that's what friends are for." he replied as he winced in pain.

"You idiot, you were hit in a bad spot. You could die."

"Guess we switched roles, didn't we? That's kinda funny." his breathy voice made you concerned. He was struggling to speak.

"August, don't talk. You're only hurting yourself more."

"Bun, listen to me. I know I won't live, so there is something I gotta tell you before I go."

"August, you will. You have to, you can't just leave me here." you cried. "Please, you need to live."

"Bun, just know that I love you. I'll always love you."

"I love you too Auggie."

He paused.

"Bun, remember what I told you about the stars?"

"That all of them have stories, right?"

"Yeah, I'll be joining those stars soon. I'll be watching over you. When I do join those stars, please don't forget me." he said with a sad smile.

"August, you're not gonna die. Even if you did, I could never forget you." you replied with pools of tears in your eyes.

August was going to speak, but the paramedics had rushed into the building. You waved at them, showing them that August was hurt. He was put on a gurney and rushed out of the warehouse. Titus was already gone, he had been taken away by the cops. You grabbed your bag from behind the chair and rushed out of the building. You got into your car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

After waiting a couple of hours, the surgeon had finally came out of the operating room. You were scared, you knew that August had been hit in a bad area. You could only hope that he would live.

"Miss L/n?"

You got up.

"That's me. How is he?"

He shook his head in an apologetic way. When you realized what that meant, you.

"No." you shook your head in disbelief, "No, no, no, no. He can't be de-dead. Please tell me it's a lie."

"He's not dead. He survived, but barely." he said. "If you wish to see him, you can now. But be very careful."

"Thank you."

You rushed into his room. When you saw him, you cried tears of happiness.

"August!" you exclaimed.

"Hey bun." he faintly replied.

"I'm so happy you're alive. I thought you would've left me."

"Like you left me?"

"Auggie, I'm still here. You almost just died."

"Bun, I'm dying." he sadly said.


"Listen to me bun, okay? The girl I liked was you. I wanted to take you on walks in the park with boba. I wanted to take you to the beach and build sandcastles. I wanted to dine with you under the stars, but I can't do that." he offered you a sad smile. "Look, I jumped in front of Danny because I didn't want him to die. I deeply care for him. I know how you feel about him, Seven told me, he told all of us. He feels the same way, he told me. He didn't want to ruin what you both had so he never said anything, and if anyone should have you, I think it should be him."

"Auggie, why're you talking like you won't make it? You will, you have to. You're strong, you can make it if you try."

"Bun, Y/n, I feel the life draining out of me." he began, "Just promise me you'll tell Danny how you feel. Please?"

"I-I promise. I'll tell him, I swear it."

"Thank you. Bun, I love you. I've always loved you...and I always will love you. Even when I'm up with the stars...I'll still love you." his eyes started to close.

"No, August, stay with me, please."

"Y/n...take care of the boys for me...alright? I can't help you anymore...you're on your own. Take my camera...I want you to have it...to remember me by. It's in your room...."

"Of course. I'll always take care of them. And I accept the camera, but you can't go! You have to stay, please!" you begged him, tears raced down your face.

"Y/n...I-I love you...remember...that...." his voice was barely there anymore.


And those...were the last words of August Jackson.


unfortunately, our happy ball of sunshine is gone. R.I.P. August, gone at 18.

I hated writing this chapter because I now hate Titus, and August is dead. I originally planned to kill Danny, but I love him too much, and one of my friends said she'd kill me if I did so here we are.

anyway, next chapter will probably be one of the last before I have my q&a chapter(which btw i did get question for from my friends who don't have accounts. you guys will still be able to ask questions don't worry)

also, i plan to publish the first chapter of violet by he end of the week so if you're interested then go check out the teaser!

that was all. make sure you eat, get some water if you haven't already, and get some sleep loves!

love you darlings!!!

you're amaziinnggg!!!

im out!!! <3 <3 <3

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