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2 weeks later...

You hated today.

Today was the day you dreaded the most.

Now, of all days, why today? Simple question with a simple answer.

Today was the day of August's funeral.

You weren't mentally prepared. You never thought that you would see the day one of your best friends was lying in a coffin. You hated that it had to be this way, but at least you made sure to give August a proper funeral.

You had paid all the expenses, considering the fact that you were rich you didn't see it as an issue. What you did see as an issue was the fact that it was his funeral you were paying for.

When you had met up with the rest of the boys at the park that day, the day of August's death, they had told you that Titus would be taken to court. He may end up in jail, which left you a little relieved. You didn't have to worry about him stalking you anymore or threatening anyone else. You couldn't help feeling sorry for him though. You wished he would've told you that he liked you instead of playing this stupid game that resulted in someone dying. 

Then, you had to bring the sad new of your friends' passing. There were tears, lots and lots of tears. You hated seeing your friends like this, and you couldn't help but blame yourself. For some reason, you couldn't help but think that this whole thing was your fault.

You had slipped on your dress, it went down to your knees, and has lace sleeves that touches your wrists. You stepped into your black flats, grabbed your car keys, and drove to where the funeral would take place.

You met with the rest of the boys in the front of the building. They all stood with looks of sadness on their faces, a tear escaping Oliver's eye.

"You guys ready?" you softly asked.

They all nodded, and with that, you walked into the building.

After the funeral, the guys said that they wanted to go to the park and get boba, it was August's favorite thing to do. When you all got your drinks, you sat by your tree, which was in the center of the park.

Your tears burned your eyes as they escaped. You had tried to blink them away and you were unsuccessful. Danny, noticing your tears, wiped them away, and adjusted your face so you were looking at him eye to eye.

"Y/n," he started softly, "he's okay, alright? He's in a better place now. I know you're hurting, we all are, but I promise you everything is going to be okay. I'll be here to take care of you when you need me."

The other two boys nodded in agreement, leaving a small smile forming on your lips.

"B-but Danny, this is all my fault. It's my fault he's gone, it's my fault he-" you were silenced by a finger put to your lips.

"Stop, Y/n, none of this is your fault, okay? You were a victim here, we all were. August saved my life, and I promised myself I'd live it to the fullest everyday, because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here right now. It would've been me in that casket. Look, I know he's gone, and it hurts, but August would want us to live. He would want us to enjoy life, have fun, do what we want, be who we wanna be, love who we wanna love, he would want us to be happy. So stop blaming yourself, alright? Dry those tears, because today, we start living with no regrets. It's what he would want, I know it."

"He's right." Oliver spoke. 

"Yeah, he has a point. Y/n, you know more than anyone August loved you. He wants you to be happy. He want all of us to be happy. We can't just sit here and be sad all day, August wouldn't want that." Seven added.

"See? We should do something fun today, like go to the beach." Danny stated.

"You're right. I'm down to go to the beach, plus, August likes the beach. So I'll go, for Auggie." you softly chimed.

The boys nodded, getting up from their spots.

"W-where are you going?" you questioned.

"To the beach." Seven simply answered.

"But we don't have swimsuits."

"I have everyone's in my car."


"Because we planned this out ahead of time."

You rolled your eyes playfully, Seven always planned ahead.

"Fine, let's go."

You all drove to the beach. When you arrived, you went to the bathroom to change into your swimsuit. You had finished changing and started walking towards the guys, who were already playing in the ocean. When they noticed you, all of the boys looked in awe as you walked towards them, something about you just seemed so breathtaking.

"Why're you all staring at me? That's creepy." you questioned as you shielded your eyes from the sun.

"N-nothing." Danny stuttered.

Oliver nudged Seven, and when he got the memo, they both slowly backed away, leaving you and Danny by yourselves.

"Danny?" you innocently called.


"I like you."


"I like you. Well, like as in like like. Like I have a crush on you, and I have for a while now. A while meaning since we met. And I know you probably don't feel the same way, but I had to tell you. I like how passionate you sound when you talk about computers, and your eyes light up. I like how I can talk to you and it feels like we're the only two people in the world. I like that I-" you were silenced by Danny, who had pulled you into a kiss full of fiery passion.

He broke the kiss for a second. Looking at you right in your eyes, he said,

"I like you too."


had to get out a quick chapter for you guys, sorry it sucks

last chapter is next chapter before the q&a

i love you darlings, eat, drink water, enjoy your weekend!

im outtie!

ps. never saying that again

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