Leif Ivarsson (Part Four)

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"You cannot take him with you. He is too young!" You insisted. Floki had given up having you and Ivar leave his cabin and had opted to lean back in his chair until it rested against the wall. His feet were propped up on an old battered chest and he felt himself started to doze off.

"He needs to go." Ivar insisted. Ivar could argue with you all night. In fact this was the longest that you had spent with him since the night he'd thrown you out of his home and if it kept you with him longer he would swear he was in the right until Odin himself came to your defence.

"He is a child and he does not need to go with you to kill and..." You rolled your eyes when Ivar tutted and tilted his head, looking at you with that sarcastic amusement in his eyes and a coy smile.

"He is already killing. He needs someone to guide him. To show him when it is right to take a life." Ivar said firmly. You sighed and shook your head, looking over at Floki for help. If the old man was awake he was doing a good job of pretending to be asleep.

"Ubbe was right. You're going to lead him down a path he can't come back from. I don't want him to... to... be like you Ivar."

Ivar didn't say anything as you stood and left. Ivar scoffed as the door to the cabin slammed shut. This roused Floki enough to the conversation that he sat up in his chair and gave Ivar a weary look. "Nothing will come from the two of you fighting. This is going to push you further apart and it will not help Leif." He muttered.

"She demands my help and when I offer it I am wrong for it!" Ivar complained irritably.

"(Y/N) is the boy's mother and wants to be sure that he will be safe. She knows what Leif needs. You're still getting used to it. You need to talk to her when you've thought on it." Floki said patiently. Ivar rolled his eyes and didn't say anything else for a long while.

While they had talked you'd paced outside Floki's cabin for a few moments before storming back home. The cold air made your mood feel worse and by the time you got back you felt furious. Ubbe frowned. It was late and he had expected you back a while ago. He saw how upset you were and hurried up from his bed. You'd sat on your own and fiddled with the hem of your cloak. "(Y/N) what happened?" He asked gently as he sat next to you. Leif was sleeping at the other end of the cabin, tucked up in bed.
"He wants to take Leif on a raid. He isn't old enough but Ivar is convinced that it will help. I do not want him to go. What if he gets hurt or lost or there is a storm and the boat..." You trailed off when Ubbe wrapped his arms around you and hugged you.

"You know what is best for him. Ivar is still new to this he... will realise that eventually." Ubbe assured you. Your head had been resting on Ubbe's shoulder but you turned to look up at him. You both leaned in and he kissed you. It was soft and affectionate. As he was trying to prove years of devotion with just one kiss. His breath hitched and he pulled you close, leaning the two of you back against your bed. A noise at the door of the cabin made the two of you jump and pull apart. Ubbe motioned for you to stay where you were while he went to see what it was. He picked up an axe from near the door and headed outside. You waited nervously but he came back after a few agonizing heartbeats and shook his head.

"I couldn't see anything." Ubbe said quickly as he set the weapon down on the table and cleared his throat a little. "Maybe I should... stay up and keep an eye out just in case?"


"Mother!" Leif said. Someone was shaking you and you rolled over, opening your eyes to see Leif frowning down at you.

"Uncle Hvitserk says Ubbe wants you to go and see Floki." Leif said as if he'd told you several times and you hadn't listened.

"He did?" You muttered as you sat up. Hvitserk was sitting at your table, helping himself to the basket of fruit that Ubbe must have collected before leaving in the morning.

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