Chapter 44: Blame

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"Probably a more normal life than Jungkook would be able to have with Y/N." Yoongi's rash comment earned glares from the other members. He knew immediately after he said it that it was something that he probably should have kept to himself because he glanced at Jungkook, who looked down at his lap with a somewhat sad expression. "Sorry Jungkook.."

Jungkook let out a sigh as he held his hand out—his necklace sitting in the palm of his hand—and stared down at his necklace.

"I know that my life with Y/N would be far from the regular life I would have with a normal human girl, but... I have to... I want to believe that somehow I could make it work..." His voice was soft and low but filled with a hint of sorrow that he tried to not let show too much. "Then again, she's not even here right? So how could I possibly make it work if she's not even here?"

Wanting to remove the negative feeling in the air, Jimin cleared his throat before speaking in a comforting tone, "Well, maybe not now, but maybe when this is all over with Dr. Kai and the media, maybe you can be with her for real. I know she can't grow legs on land, but-."

"Boys! Breaks over! Let's get back to shooting!" The managers exclaimed, cutting Jimin off. Jimin sighed at that as he patted the younger one's shoulder.

"I know you'll figure out a way," Jimin voiced with a reassuring smile. Jungkook smiled and nodded back at that as he and the others stood back up and jogged over to their spots.

Shooting started again. The members did their very bests, dancing their hearts out, making expressions that they know will kill ARMYs' hearts, and trying to tell a story through the concept of the music video.

By the time they were all done shooting for the day, the sun was beginning to set. The members let out cheers of relief that they were done for the day and started packing up their things.

Once they were all done packing, they grabbed their things and headed for the cars. However, just as they started walking to the cars, a familiar figure appeared before them. It was none other than Dr. Kai. He had on normal clothes rather than his lab coat. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he looked at them with a friendly expression. It was the same expression that he showed Hoseok and Namjoon the very first day that they met him.

"Hello boys," he greeted them. The members' expressions stiffened at seeing him before they glared at him. "Hard at work I see."

"What do you want?" Yoongi asked harshly, not wasting any time showing how much he and the others despised Dr. Kai. Dr. Kai let out an amused chuckle at that.

"Heh, I suppose there's no point in acting friendly since you've already seen my true personality," Dr. Kai voiced, his expression going dark as he let out a breath. "It would seem you boys haven't been to visit your little mermaid friend. Why is that?"

The members decided to not say a word, but Jungkook had decided that they should tell it to him straight and let him know that he was the reason that Y/N was gone.

With hands clenched in fists and a hard look on his face, Jungkook spoke out, "She's gone." Those two words made a look of surprise spread across Dr. Kai's face. "She left a while ago."

"How long ago?" Dr. Kai asked, his voice growing slightly worried.

"The moment that she appeared in the news." Although he lied, Jungkook felt no guilt. Dr. Kai's expression wavered and he looked to the side with a troubled look.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Kai asked to clarify. Jungkook nodded. The other members weren't sure why Jungkook lied, but they decided to go along with it and nod in response as well. "Damn it..."

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