Chapter 3: Nefarious Cultists

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Windi and Wendy cheered of what they had accomplished, they then relaxed a little, slowing down their speed of the jalopy down of the bumpy clear road. They then noticed as they passed by the street-lights above them were dim, and started to get brighter. Windi's eyes went wide, noticing the farther glowing brighter distance as more lights start to arrive through the darkening fog. "Say, there should be a possible town nearby if there really is any." He smiled, "we might be able to get possible supplies if they had any." 

"What about the fuel for the car?" Wendy commented, Windi turned his head towards him. "Probably, we still got plenty of ones, when we're low remind me." They then sped up, getting towards the lights of a possible safe town. They've then passed through, under elevated pathways, presumably old monorail trains above the streets and took a left noticing a large board in white that had "The small town known as NEO-DETROIT TOWN -13." written in red.

Windi yawned. "Man, just... another broad lost from our fingertips. But hey, I would've loved to have one just for a night at the time." Wendy rolled his eyes. "Every-time Windi... When there's a woman just from the sense of my nose your caution just drifts off to the wind and the eyes lock onto her as you turn into stone by your medusa of love... But I can tell you a suggestive story if that'll interest your awaiting fantasy." 

Windi gripped the wheel eyes narrowing, giving a sneer towards Wendy. "Pass little brother, or I'll be kicking you upside." He gritted. Wendy then chuckled in thought. "Well then, I'll be telling the tale. There was once a man name lodge in his rod with his broad, he installed seatbelts in his dodge, when his broad in the rod was strapped in, he committed a sin without leaving the garage." Wendy shook his head smiling. "Quite clever wasn't it?" Windi then shrugged. "I'll admit that your little story is quite clever little brother. but raunchy stories can always be a main source of a hit an miss towards others." Wendy's eyes brows went upward. "So does it apply to you when it comes finding a woman."

Windi's eyes narrowed, glaring at Wendy which he gave a smug towards him. "Awww... I was playing with you, no need to get all feral." Windi then growled, flooring the pedal, accelerating the car through desolate road with streetlights growing brighter as they get closer, roaring it's engines as Windi pressing the wheel's horn, announcing it's fast presence of the Dixie Air-horn throughout the echoing air in the old city. They then noticed the city littered with old war weaponry among the city, clashed bomber planes presumably shot down as visible gaps of holes and wings being chipped off like flies being hit by swatters.

There were also military armored vehicles such as transport trucks and jeeps and a few IFV's or APC's with the Dixie flag and the Union flag together were broken down, wheels were missing, graffiti all over it, removing it's original color.

Over the surrounding area of the town, there are multiple parts of commercial planes and parts of bomber-planes are all over the place with cars being walls, a highway arch was next to the place, with spotlights on it. There are a few guards above, Windi can notice their scopes reflecting by the headlights, wielding barrels, presumably fire-arms. 

Voices yelled in the distance, they both halted, immediately turning their headlights off with the engine running on low as Windi shifted gear to Idle. "Who said that?" Windi asked. Wendy shushed him, "Quiet, I smell.. oil. Automobiles, dozens of them." Windi's eyes narrowed. "Wait, vehicles..?" 

They notice a few working vehicles from the distance, looking like they were in the worse condition. It looks like they were ramming into the building, with the passengers throwing staffs at the wall while the guards quickly shot, muzzles of sparks from the distance, driving the invaders to force a retreat, with two figures falling off from the vehicles. 

"What in the hell is even going on with that?" Wendy muttered. Windi's eyes narrowed. "Those two seem driven so mad that they forgot themselves of common sense." Wendy then pointed on his right. "I think there's more than two." They both noticed headlights in the distance, a battalion of cars roared loudly like a pack of hyena's surrounding the bear's cave where he and the family live. A figure slowly rose, wearing a dark trench-coat with a top hat, wielding a shepherd's cane. 

"Sheeps of Lost-Angels!" It spoke, the spot light shined upon him, his form was spindly and gangly, 15 in height, his slender form of his shadow was among the town ahead as the spotlight behind him brightens his presence. "We only wanted to say hello! For a revolution, the new world's hope! We saw of what you have from us, a need that the young girl's power for safe-haven In this once great beautiful city!" Windi and Wendy both looked at each other overhearing the conversation. "Girl? What girl?" Windi uttered.

The two vehicles that retreated came up closely, parking next to the towards the stranger. Two little men got off their vehicles, striding towards him. "S-sir! they are armed with heat! We presume that they're Autojektors, they got Harry in a flash!" One cried. "They killed Kenny!" The other said. "We need to get everyone and bash through that!" 

The stranger smiled. "Well... who were the drivers to do that little plan, just go over there and throw spears?" They both then pointed each other as one looks at the other eyes narrowing. "Delightful. alright, followers... shoot them." the two just staggered back in shock. "H-Hey! Look man, we did your part... we've served you for a long time!" A cyclops with antlers, wearing a top-hat. smirked. "He was kidding, go on. You're free to go."

They both then flee back to the vehicles, staggering themselves down by the steep slope in the process. The gangly creature then pulled out a small submachine gun holding it by one hand, presumably a .223 FMJ weapon and immediately fired among the two, limbs exploding quickly by the explosive rounds. Those people are no philanthropists, and seem a bit above than regular raiders since usually they stride for wealth of supplies but these look like they want someone and it's in other's territory.

"Hey Windi, over there look at the back!" Wendy whispered, Windi placed his thumbs on a rotatable knob, enhancing the sight and zoom amount with his goggles, noticing a old army jeep and pickup truck which they looked in very poor condition as that they haven't been run for a few years, they slowly exited from the back of the settlement and sped out of there, taking a left direction. Windi then turned to the stranger, who obviously saw their dust trails, pointing them with his long arm, and two cars from the battalion quickly sped up them with one being a police cruiser and the other being a mustang. 

"Oh shi-" Windi cursed, shoving Wendy and himself down, ducking below from sight as the two vehicles passed by the unnoticed Jalopy. They then slowly lifted their heads. "Is the coast clear?" Wendy spoke. "Yeah yeah they're gone now, we need to be careful and not get caught." Windi shifted the gear, the car starting to pull in reverse, then steering to the road in front. Windi stared among the chased vehicles.

Wendy started to sniff. "I can sense a female in that truck." Windi's eyes narrowed slowing turning his head stiffly at Wendy, barely wincing. "You're nuts." Wendy shook his head. "I am telling you that a girl's in there, being chased by the fanatical zealots!" Windi exited the door, beginning to start walking forward for a better view from the car. "What the hell are you doing Windi, get back here!" Wendy then walked outside, closing both of the doors walking next to him.

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