Part 17

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We went to a house in Brooklyn

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We went to a house in Brooklyn. It looked kind of familiar but I couldn't quite place from where. I laid on the couch and the day caught up with me. I immediately was back at the Hydra base and I felt the leather straps on my arms and wrists. I see Bucky yelling but couldn't hear what he was saying. Then I felt the painful sting of the machine working in my head.

Flashes of different people that I don't recognize. Maybe it was a home movie as I saw a little version of myself running towards, of what I can only assume, my parents. Then flashes of me fighting people, people who were agents of Shield. The flashes stopped and landed on what felt a sad memory. It was an old man on the ground and I could see the red staining his blue polo shirt. I could feel my face wet with tears and I could hear myself begging him to not leave me. "It's okay, I get to see your grandmother and your mother again." I looked next to him and saw his shield but it wasn't the iconic red and white. It was blue and sliver and instead of the star, it had the Shield logo. Then the memory changed and I was in front of a bunch of flashing cameras. "Sebastian! Sebastian!" I heard the crowd yell.

Before I could look over I was jostled awake. "Hey doll, are you okay," Bucky whispered.

I nodded lightly, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...I was dreaming or remembering." Bucky swallowed hard but stayed quiet. "Everything was just flashes and I couldn't focus on just one memory."

He tightly nodded, "You'll remember soon, Jade." Then he left to the kitchen where I can I hear Sam and Chris talking.

Then Sam came out with a plate of pizza. "Hey sleeping beauty, I thought you would be hungry."

My stomach growled, "It seems you know me better than I know myself."

He chuckled, "You'll remember."

After being being cooped up in the house for three days, I finally convinced Bucky to go out to walk around.

I rolled my eyes when he put a cap and sunglasses on. "Is the government looking for the Winter Solider still?" We began walking and people didn't give us a second thought.

"Um, no but I don't want to chance it. Not since we were kidnapped by Hydra."

"So when did we start dating?" We stopped at a coffee place and Bucky got me a vanilla latte to try out.

"We got together after your grandfather passed away. We got close and one thing led to another."

I felt myself blush and tried to imagine the feelings I might have for him. "How did he die?"

"Well, there was an attack and he couldn't stop being the hero that he was." I nodded and it made since that Captain America to die in some kind of heroic way.

"How long has it been since everyone has come back after five years since the snap?"

Bucky looked uncomfortable, "Um, it's been about a year."

"Is that Sebastian Stan?" I heard people whispering around us. Bucky must have felt uneasy and we left the café.

We walked around some more and went to the Brooklyn Bridge

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We walked around some more and went to the Brooklyn Bridge. Then I got a flash of what looked a woman on the bridge pouring something out of a vile.

"Hey," Bucky grabbed my shoulders, "are you okay?"

I looked up at him and his blue eyes were full of concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a flash of a memory, I think." Bucky stayed quiet but I saw him clenching his jaw. "It doesn't make sense. The woman was dressed like in the 40s. How could I remember something like that?"

"Come on, doll, I think it's time to go home."

We were close to the house when we were bombarded with people with cameras. "Sebastian! Sebastian!" They were shouting at us and I began to panic. Bucky saw the panic and put his arm around me. "Sebastian! Sebastian! Is that your girlfriend?" Bucky paid no attention to the people and he kept me close until we were inside the house.

"What the hell was that," I asked as I took off my jacket. "And why were they calling you Sebastian?"

I could hear Bucky's heart rate accelerating and he was quite. He stepped closer to me and I stepped back. My instincts were telling me to not to trust him. "Jade," he sounded conflicted and I could feel myself going into fight mode.

He reached for my wrist and as soon as he had it in his hand, I twisted my hand and pinned him to the floor. "Whatever you were about to tell me, I know it was a lie." I dug my knee harder into his back and he grunted in pain. "So if you want me to let go, I suggest you tell me the truth."

"Jade, what the hell!" Chris came in and tried to get me off of Bucky. Hmm if he was really my uncle then he would have the strength to do it.

I got off of Bucky and looked up at Chris. I studied him and he looks just like Steve Rogers but I have a feeling he's lying. "What happened to grandpa?"

I heard Chris's heart accelerate, "He died of old age."

"You're lying."

"Hey, what's going on?" Sam came in the living room and saw my stare down with the two men.

I turned to Sam, "Can I see your wings?" I could tell I took him by surprise. "I want to see them."

Sam chuckled, "Jade, are you okay?"

"Why don't you tell me why there was people taking pictures of Bucky and I and they were calling him, Sebastian?"

I heard all three men's heart rate begin to race. Then I heard a click and I saw Chris pressing a button in his pocket.

"Jade, please you need to trust us," Bucky said and approached me like he was getting near a wild animal.

"Who did you call?" I zeroed in on Chris. My jaw was clenched tight that I'm sure my teeth will crack.

Before he could answer a bunch of Shield agents rushed in. Before I could make a move, "Agent Cruz," a voice boomed out, "don't even think about fighting your colleagues." Fury came in and he was wearing his usual eye patch. "Now someone tell me what the hell is going on."

Agents started to lower their weapons as Fury came closer to me. "Care to explain that these men are not who they say they are?" Fury came me a stern look and I continued, "They're lying to me. I can hear their heartbeat race when I was asking them questions."

"Agent Cruz, I can assure you that you are safe with these men."

"That's great and all but who are they?"

"That is something you have to figure out."

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