Part 5

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We ended up going to the HQ in upstate New York

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We ended up going to the HQ in upstate New York. The buildings is disguised as a cell phone company but it was the biggest Shield facility. The fellas followed me like lost puppies. "Agent Cruz," I met with my superior in her office. "I heard that you have the Avengers on your tail."

"Yes ma'am, they are quite hard to shake."

"Director Ford has gave me the instructions to wipe them and send them home."

"What do you guys mean 'wipe'," Chris asked.

"As in wipe your memories of ever meeting Agent Cruz and knowing anything about Shield."

"So you're going to flash us with some device like the Men in Black," Anthony asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Agent Randolph said as she stood up from her desk

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"Yeah, pretty much," Agent Randolph said as she stood up from her desk.

"What if we don't want to get wiped," Sebastian asked as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry you don't have a choice in the matter. Shield is a secret for a reason."

"So is stuff like Thor and Loki real?"

I chuckled at Anthony, "Only in Greek Mythology."

"Feel safe enough to know that there is an organization that can handle anything," Agent Randolph said as she put on her sunglasses. I followed suit and then the flash went off, "you went to the premiere and had a great time. Jade is just a new friend that you have met. Now, you will sleep and won't remember anything about Shield."

The fellas started to dose off on the couch and I walked out of the office. I went to the IT department and dropped off the USB drive to be analyzed. I tried not to think about the sting in my chest of Sebastian not remembering me.

A couple of weeks later I was back in Manhattan as I got some intel that Sebastian has been targeted to be kidnapped. I was in a parked car across from his building when I saw him walking out and his arm was around some woman. I felt a little sting but quickly shook it off. I followed them in the shadows while they had dinner and then drinks. The woman left in a cab from the bar and Sebastian began walking home.

I noticed a man following him and then he was joined by a second one. I jumped down from the building where I was watching Sebastian and then grabbed the two guys when they passed the alley. Let's just say I had to use my silencer on my weapon. I continued to follow Sebastian until he was in his building. Feeling a little off I ended up getting into his building. I was about a minute behind him.

I heard shouting and grunts from the outside of his door. I kicked the door open and saw Sebastian on the ground with a thug on top of him. I kicked the thug hard that I knocked him into the wall. I felt the cold steel of a gun on my temple. I pushed the assailant's wrist up and knocked the gun out of his hand. I kicked him in the crotch and he crumbled to the floor. The other guy charged at me and that is when I gave him a hard right hook to the jaw.

I secured both men with cuffs and called for some agents to pick them up. I turned and saw Sebastian's shocked face. "What the hell just happened?"

"Good evening, sir, I work with an agency that flag down people who try to kidnap celebrities for money." I cringe at my lame excuse.

"No, you work for Shield."

My eyes snapped up to his, "You remember?"

"Yeah, all the memories came flooding back when I saw you kicking ass." Great, Director Ford is not going to like this. Then there was a knock at the door and it was a couple of agents to collect the thugs.

"Alright, Mr. Stan," I got the device ready.

"Wait, please don't wipe me. It's obvious that I'm being targeted. I would like to remember why I am."

I sighed,"Fine only if you don't tell anyone." Then there was another knock, "Are you expecting company?" Sebastian shook his head, I grabbed my knives from my holster and slowly crept up to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Chris and Anthony. They're mouth were tapped up and they were blindfolded. "Alright they have your friends," I whispered. "I'm going to open the door and I will knock the bad guys out. You get to your friends."

Sebastian nodded and I opened the door. I punched the guys holding Chris and all three of them fell to the ground. The other two guys pushed Anthony towards me and helped his friends. "I hope you don't have anything irreplaceable in here," I shouted to Sebastian. I began fighting the four guys. One guy grabbed me by the neck from behind and another charged at me. I kicked the guy running towards me and flipped the other at another.

"Should we help her," I hear Chris ask.

"She looks like she has it under control," I heard Anthony say. I got one guy knocked out and one guy was heading to the fellas. I pulled the bad guy by my power. I did my signature move or more like Black Widow's signature move. I swung around one guy's body with my thighs and used the momentum to bring the two guys down.

The last one standing had a knife in his hands

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The last one standing had a knife in his hands. I squared up and prepare to dodge the knife. We fought for several seconds then the other two joined in. I leaped off the couch arm and punched one of the guys out cold. I felt a sting in my right arm and I saw I was bleeding. I grabbed my last knife and I threw it and it landed right in the guy's heart.

Then there was one. I felt the blood dripping down my hand. I'm starting to feel fatigued but like grandpa Rogers would say, "I can do this all day." I charged at the guy and kneed him in the sternum and then punched him in the crotch. That move is tribute to Black Widow. The exact move she did when she fought the Winter Solider. I gathered all my strength and put some my power behind it I punched the guy in the chest. I know it was a fatal hit.

Sebastian handed me a dish towel and I put it on the gash on my arm. I called for agents to clean up. Ten minutes later a group of agents were at the door. "Agent Cruz," I heard Director Ford, "it seems the Avengers are like gum that has stuck to your shoe."

The medic was finishing wrapping up my arm, "Yes sir, and they seem to remember everything."

"Well, it seems you have a new assignment and that is to protect the Avengers wannabes."

"But sir, what about the serum?"

"You will continue but your main concern will be these men. The safe house in Brooklyn will become your home base."

"Wait, wait," Chris began, "we can't stay locked up. We all have things to do that we are obligated to do."

"I am aware, Mr. Evans, but Agent Cruz will be accompany you three until we figure out who is coming after you."

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