Part 10

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I woke up when I felt someone shaking me

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I woke up when I felt someone shaking me. "Jade, Jade wake up." My heart was pounding and I felt drenched in sweat.

I took a moment to catch my breath and looked into Sebastian's concerned eyes. "Sorry," I gulped for air, "it was a nightmare."

"Shhh, it's okay," he pulled me in a hug and rubbed small circles in my back. The nightmare has haunted me since the day I found my parents. In the dream I am always so close of getting them back and then when I reach them they are shot in the head. I never see who pulls the trigger not even when I fight them. They're face is just blank.

Sebastian gave me some water and I took a huge gulp. "I need to go," I got up and got my tennis shoes.

"What? Where are you gonna go?"

"I just need to go for a run."

"No, you're injured."

"I'll walk then. Get some sleep."

Sebastian let out a frustrated sigh, "You are so stubborn." He pulled on some sweatpants and a shirt.

"Seb, I just want to be alone."

He looked at me sincerely, I never used his nickname. "We won't talk but I'm not leaving you alone."

We found a park a mile from the hotel and began walking. We walked side by side without saying anything. I didn't know I was crying until Sebastian stopped me and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"They were taken while they were sleeping. They gassed the house. I guess that would be the only way to take a half super soldier and an ex assassin with telekinesis power. They were gone for six months before we got a small lead of where they might be held. Then another eight months and twelve days till we found the right base. Another day till we got a plan and a rescue team together. I found my mom first. She was on an operation table and every inch of her was cut open. They bleed her out." I sobbed out, I haven't told anyone this. "I still had hope to find my dad alive." I closed my eyes trying to get rid of the image. "I found him strapped to a chair and his hands...his hands were cut off. I saw that they have experimented on him too. I guess to figure out the telekinesis power."

Sebastian wrapped me in a tight hug, "I'm so sorry you had to go through anything like that." He kissed the top of my head and kept me in his tight embrace.

From the distance I heard clicking. I pulled away from Sebastian and looked around. I saw some paparazzi in the bushes. "Looks like we have company."

He looked in the direction I pointed to, "Don't worry  about them." He put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.

By the time we got back to New York the picture of Sebastian holding me was all over the web

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By the time we got back to New York the picture of Sebastian holding me was all over the web. Thankfully none of the journalists that were there the other day have chimed in. I guess a five million fine and five years prison time in the RDA they signed really works.

"It seems you have a following," Anthony said as he showed me some comments of the picture. People can be mean, there was some comments of support then other were down right mean.

At the airport cameras were being shoved in our faces and I fought back my instincts of punching people in their faces. Sebastian squeezed my hand and guided me through the crowds of people. I was finally able to breathe when we got back to my grandfather's home.

I changed into workout clothes and went to the basement. I wrapped my hands and started to punching the bag. "You know, I'm getting a sense of déjà vu." Chris came down the stairs.

I didn't stop and just like Captain America style I punched too hard and the bag went flying to other side of the room. "For the record, my family did it first." I picked up another bag and hooked it up.

"Sometimes I don't know if I should be afraid of you or fall in love with you."

I chuckled, "We both know I'm not your type, Captain."

Chris rubbed the back of his neck, "I know you're not use to being in the spotlight but it will go away soon."

"I'm just frustrated. I'm not any closer of getting who is behind the serum. I feel like I've interrupted your lives. I want to wipe you guys so you can live your life without the burden of knowing me." Then I punched through the bag and sand started to fall.

"Hey, hey, you're not a burden. You've saved our stupid asses more than you had too." Chris and I talked more while I patched up the bag.

When he left to go back upstairs my phone went off. "Code 705."

"Agent Cruz, the serum will be in Cuba tomorrow. The word is that it is going to be sold to someone new."

"Thanks." I quickly ran upstairs and took a quick shower. I called HQ and told them I need an immediate travel and an a replacement at the safe house.

An hour later the doorbell rang. "Grandpa? What are you doing here?"

"I'm the replacement."

"What?! No, you're retired."

Grandpa pulled me into a hug, "Don't you worry about anything, princess, I still got some fight in me."

"What's going on," I turned to see Sebastian coming downstairs with the other two behind them.

"Well, my granddaughter is going to save the world and I'm going to spend some quality time with you fellas."

I wanted to argue more but the car outside honked. "Please use the pins I gave you guys." I hugged grandpa and ran out to the car.

"Jade! Wait!" Sebastian jogged after me. "Please be safe," then he wrapped me in a tight hug.

"I will. Please look after my grandpa, he's the only family I have."

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