Part 15

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I woke up with a splitting headache, I could hear myself whimper as I tried to open my eyes

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I woke up with a splitting headache, I could hear myself whimper as I tried to open my eyes. "Shhh, it's okay." It was a deep male's voice and I felt a warm hand rubbing my back.

"What happened," I asked slowly even my whispered of a voice seemed to be too loud for my head.

"Hydra," he chuckled, "I still can't believe that I'm saying it. They tried to brainwash you."

I opened my eyes and saw the guy taking care of me, "Bucky?"

He was taken aback and his eyes seemed to be in disbelief. "What did you call me," he spoke so softly I wasn't sure I heard him.

I sat up and rubbed my forehead, "Bucky, I called you Bucky."

"Why did you call me Bucky?"

"Did they brainwash you too?" He shook his head, "So why am I reminding you of your name when I don't even know mine?"

"Jade, who do think you are?"

I shrugged my shoulders, finally the pain is going away. "I don't know but I do know we need to try to get out of here."

"Jade, what is the last thing you remember?"

I was assessing the small window and I look towards him and gave it some thought, "Um, Steve went back in time to return the stones and then lived out his life in the past. Do you know how we got captured?"

"Yeah, they, uh, dosed us with sleeping gas while we were sleeping."

"Is it just us or did they get all the Avengers?"

"Jade, I...I..."

"How long have we've been here?"

"About two months."

"What the hell? The Avengers haven't found us yet?"

Bucky seemed speechless and didn't really know what to do. "Jade, I'm going to try help you remember who you are." I nodded. "You are an agent of Shield and your grandfather was Steve Rogers."

I felt my eyes get big, "I'm granddaughter to Captain America! That's awesome! Wait, Shield fell, how am I an agent?"

Bucky is looking at me like I'm crazy. "Jade," then he was cut off by the creak of the door.

"I see you're awake," the faint British accent coming from the shadows said.

"Who are you? Wait, aren't you Grant Ward?"

"Perfect," then he pointed a tranq gun at me.

He shot it but I saw the dart coming at me and I was able to grab it. Sure enough the reflexes I inherited from my grandfather. The British guy seemed as surprised as Bucky. Without blinking I threw the dart into his chest and he quickly passed out.

"Alright," I grabbed the keys from him and unchained us. "We probably have five minutes till they start looking for him." I pated the British guy and found a gun and handed it to Bucky. "We're going to fight our way out."

"Jade, I'm not a great at fighting."

I scoffed, "You're a trained assassin and have a metal arm."

"Jade," he rolled up his sleeve and his left arm was normal.

"What? Didn't King T'Challa give you a vibranium arm?"

"Jade, that was a movie!"

I shook my head not understanding what he's saying, "We're missing our opportunity. Let's just get out of here."

"Jade, we've tried to escape before but we couldn't make it out." I looked down at the British dude worried he's going to wake up soon. "Don't worry, those tranq darts are huge doses since your metabolism burns it so quickly. He's going to be knocked out for a while."

"Talk quickly, why did we fail in the past?"

"I would end up getting a gun to my head or knocked out and they use me against you."

"I'm guessing I've been brainwashed a few times. Tell me about that."

"The first times it didn't work but that didn't stop them from trying. Each time I had to sit and watch you scream while they had me at gun point. Then recently you've lost your memories and you were kind of a shell of a person. This is the first that you've woken up with fight."

"Okay good then let's keep it that way. Do you have any experience with gun or fighting?"

"Yeah, you've been teaching me in between them torturing you."

I was about to tell Bucky the plan but then I heard a group of people heading our way. "Quick," I grabbed him and we hid in a dark corner.

A bunch of Hydra agents came down the stairs and saw the British guy in the middle of the room. "Set the alarm. They couldn't have gone that far."

One agent went back up and left three to search the area. Okay three, I think I can take them. I charged at one and easily knocked him out. The others took out their guns and I quickly knocked them out of their hands. I grabbed one and shot both of them. I grabbed their knifes and extra ammo.

"Alright Bucky, I'm going to in front and you cover the back. Oh and don't get captured."

We ran upstairs and was immediately greeted by some agents. I shot them quickly and we continued to run down the hallways. We would bump into agents but I was able to knock them out. We saw were close to the exit when a group of agents were waiting.

"I should have told you this earlier," Bucky whispered while I assessed the situation around the corner. "You have a power."

My face twisted in confusion, "What?"

"You can move things with your mind."

"Yeah, you should have told me earlier." Going on instinct I stepped out from the corner and the agents started to charge. I waved my hands and agents went flying all over the place.

We finally ran out the building and then I knocked into someone. "Agent Cruz," I looked up and I saw Director Fury.


"Oh someone has jokes now?"

Bucky cleared his throat, "Oh, um...sir we need to talk."

Fury gave me a strange look, "Fine, agents," he said in his comms, "sweep the building and bring anyone as a prisoner."

We walked to the jet, "I thought Shield had fallen," I looked around and saw agents running all over the jet. Fury snapped his head towards me, "Wait, why don't you have an eyepatch?"

"Agent Cruz, are you alright?"

"I thought you said I'm Captain America's granddaughter," I said to Bucky. My head begins to ache and I rub my temples.

"Cruz is your father's name," he whispered to me. "Sir, is there a room we can take her too? She needs to rest." They escorted to a room, "Get some rest, doll, I'll be back."

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