"No.. I was raised by a black fairy and a bastard." Reese responded in a tone that the mother didn't like, and smacked her again. Reese rubbed her face and stated, "No offense but how is smacking your son's girlfriend going to help you in anyway? He isn't going to move back home, and frankly, I don't blame him."

"I know that my son is also hitting you," Mary looked down at Reese's arms that were covered in bruises, "Why are you allowing him to do that?"

"Actually, that was from wrestling with my brother." Reese replied, "Your son has never hit me, and unless you want me to hit you, I would suggest you leave our house."

"HA just you wait, girl. He will turn into your worst nightmare." She stated to herself.

Mary walked up to his son and told him, "When you realize that she is the worst possible person for you, I will be waiting for you at home."

"Maybe you should be worrying about your own crippling marriage before you get into our relationship."

The mother huffed and walked out of the house. Cade was too mortified to move, so Reese walked over to the door and closed it.

"I think your mother has hit me every single time she has come over." Reese stated. "And it's always weak as a hit."

"I'm sorry that I got you involved in my fucked up family." Cade whispered to his girlfriend. "I don't think she has ever liked anyone that I have dated, and she really hated you."

Reese put her hand on her chest and acted shocked, "Wow, I never knew that," she laughed.

"I'm being serious, Rae. I want us to have my mother's approval."

"I think I would have to be dead to get her approval." Reese said. "But next time I will try and be civil," she paused, "If she even thinks about touching me-"

"-I won't allow her to touch you this time. I think I have gotten over my fear-" He stopped when he saw Reese making a 'I don't think so' face. "Okay, maybe I haven't but I need to stand up for you. I can't keep on allowing you to just tell her off."

"I'm glad that you've finally figured that out."

The vision paused when Killian walked towards a crying Reese, and touched her on her shoulder.

"I should have saved you when I had the chance." Killian said, "Instead of hurting you even more."

Reese looked up at her pirate and replied, "I was just Rumpelstiltskin's sister back then to you. I meant nothing to you, so why should you have saved me?"

"Because you didn't deserve what I did to you, and I will try and make up for that." He stated. "Starting with getting you and Henry back."

Reese wiped off the tears on her face, "Right... Well, as long as I am on Neverland, Pan won't care where I am, but getting Henry back is the real issue. I'm not sure if I will be able to."

"Just worry about getting yourself out of there and we will all come up with a plan to bring Henry back."

"Alright." Reese replied, obviously still thinking about what she just went through again. "Killian?"


"Can you just hold me until we have to get back into the real world?"

Killian didn't even respond, he just wrapped his arms around Reese and hugged her for dear life. He was heart broken for her, and the only thing he could do is be there for her now.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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