Prologue: Christmas Eve

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Matt's POV: After spending the last hour driving home from Joliet, we were now in the midst of walking into our Chicago apartment with our bags. And honestly, I was so happy to be home...there was nowhere else I would rather be. However, what I was not ready for was the surprise that I found at our door. At least I thought it was her. But it couldn't be.

Walking up with Gabby, I looked at the woman standing at our door and spoke up. "Mom?" That's when my mom turned around and smiled. "Surprise!' I then set our bags (and Matteo's car seat) down and smiled while going to hug her. "God, this is a great surprise." Gabby then smiled at my mom. "So nice to finally meet you in person Nancy." My mom then hugged her.

"I was just about to knock." I smiled when she said that. "Well, luckily we just got home. We were in Joliet with some friends and family for Christmas. But, something was calling us home. Now, I wonder if that was you." My mom smiled. That's when I noticed that she had bags. I then bit my lip. "Mom, did you by any chance book a hotel here in town or?"

My mom sighed. "Sorry, this was all of a sudden. I know...I should've called." I nodded and sighed. "Listen, let's get inside before it gets too cold." Gabby then stopped me. "Wait a second, did you get tested already Nancy? I'm sorry but...I am scared of taking a chance." I turned to look at Gabby and understood where she came from. "Gee, what a nice daughter-in-law I have."

I glared at my mom and just looked at Gabby. "Listen, go inside and I will grab the bags. I will talk to my mom about what she just said!" I then looked at my mom, not happy as I unlocked the door. I then let Gabby go in first. Once Gabby was inside, she took off her boots and then walked away to our bedroom with Matteo. I then grabbed our bags and carried them inside.

My mom then did the same and looked at me. "Please tell me she is just tired or paranoid?" I sighed and then went to close the door. "Mom, her niece, nephew and ex-sister-in-law have all had COVID since the pandemic started." My mom was shocked when I said that. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I nodded and sighed before grabbing her bags. 

"Listen, how about you sit down on the couch and we will come join you in a bit. Matteo needs to go down for a nap and we just drove an hour from Joliet." My mom nodded and smiled. "Think I can hold him before he goes for a nap?" I bit my lip and sighed. "Let me just go talk to Gabby and we'll see okay mom? Just give me a bit of time." My mom nodded and agreed.

She then walked away to go sit in the living room. Meanwhile, I sighed and made my way to the bedroom so that I could talk to Gabby. I just hoped that she wasn't too frustrated and didn't make my mom leave. I wanted her here. I haven't seen her in a long time and I would like for her to meet Matteo and her better. However, I also needed to let Gabby know something.

I needed to let her know that, just like my sister...I didn't care what my mom thought of her. She is the love of my life and the mother of our child. If it comes to having to choose between continuing a relationship with my mother and staying married to Gabby...I would pick Gabby everyday for the rest of my life. After all, she is the love of my life and my miracle.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 2Where stories live. Discover now