Ch.11 Brand New Ramen Set

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Shikamaru and Naruto had decided to finally move in together. They were living together before but with this it was more official. They both brought there clothes and things from there houses and into the apartment. Also as Naruto promised he was getting work done in the place to make it bigger for all three of the children when they come to stay over.

This was a big step for everyone. It was definitely scary. Naruto didn't know if everything will change after they move in together. Will they fight everyday? Will they start to hate each other? Is this too fast?

He was definitely worried but with Shikamaru comforting him it should be fine.

Most probably.

Before they lived together mostly. They stayed together, and cooked, and cleaned, and had little fights here and there but those were quickly resolved. That was a good sign right?

Every couple fights, right?

Naruto wouldn't know, whenever Hinata and him disagree on something they would usually get mad and never resolve it. They didn't even talk it out, after they would just gave each other half hearted apologies and kept everything else inside.

Shikamaru never had many fights with Temari but when they did they would argue and then talk it out a little while after. They did what healthy relationships do. When Naruto heard it from him, he was in awe, like reading a fairytale to a child. 

Everything was going well. They got a bigger bed. The one Naruto had was small and could barely fit the two they had to sleep against each other. Not that they don't like it. It's just that they need a little space to be comfortable. Once they had that, all that was left was the expansion of there apartment. Which wasn't very hard for the Hokage.

They both had a schedule set up for themselves what they wanted to do through the week. It was very vague, leaving space in between if something happens. Naruto was finally allowed to train again and do practice fights after some rigorous begging and pleasing. Shikamaru finally agreed.


Hearing a knock at the door Naruto went to open it, cautiously. After the Hinata incident he's been on high guard every time someone knocks on the door. Shikamaru was taking a nap otherwise he'd send him.

He walked over made sure to check the peephole, to see it was only Temari. Naruto sighed as he unlocked the door.

"Hey Temari!" He said cheerfully. She held a gift box in her hand and seemed a bit fidgety.
"Hey." She didn't say much.

But Naruto let her in without hesitation and she set the gift on the table. "I brought a housewarming gift. I know you guys weren't having a housewarming party but I still wanted to get a little something."

"That's really nice of you. Could I open it?" He asked her. She wasn't sure why he was asking her but she nodded. There little talk seemed to wake Shikamaru up who was sleeping on the couch.

"Hey Naruto who are you talking to?" He yawned entering the kitchen. He looked over to Temari not too surprised or concerned she was here. "Hey Temari." Shikamaru said as he spotted the box on the table. "A gift?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice."

Naruto didn't care about their conversation he just wanted to open it up and see what was inside. He had a habit of being impatient when it came to opening gifts. "It's a ramen set!!" He said ecstatically.

Because Naruto was always busy he never had time to go eat ramen he had to have normal food. Now he could try to make it at home! And he doesn't mean to brag but he got pretty good at making ramen himself. Years of practice.

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