Ch.2 Baby Don't Hurt Me, No More ✶

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/Sexual Content (smut)/


I wonder when it started...when did I began to feel this way?

Was it when he told me those stupid jokes, when he would grab something for us too eat, or maybe it was when I kept on catching him staring at me. That was probably the first sign and I chose to ignore it. Instead I started to catch feelings.

Slowly and steadily the things I noticed about him increased. The way he jokingly flirted with me here and there under the disguise of teasing, his stupidly pretty smile, or how he changed his attitude whenever someone else was around. I found it kinda cute.

Then it was attraction. His fluffy hair, although I liked his before hairstyle better, his pretty eyes or his little whiskers marks on his cheeks. I found myself thinking about how much I wanted to touch or kiss them. That was one of the signs I started to catch feelings.

I have a family, this is wrong. I have a wife, a son and I loved them very much, but when was it that I started to feel distant from her. Was it recently? No it was before that. Way before that.

I remember I was always busy, with my team, then the war, then everything after that. There was a time we're I was attracted to her and liked her but then that spark started to vanish. I forced myself to stay cause any good relationship took time and work, that's what they all say. I knew that, but no matter how much time or effort I put in, the fact always stayed the same; it was gone.

By the time I realized this, even before liking Naruto, it was too late. We were married she was pregnant. What was I supposed to do? Leave her?

I couldn't do that. Now that I think back to it I should have stoped it when I started feeling unsure. It's my fault. I fully admit it. Yet I started to feel that spark again but it was with someone else. 

That was scary.

I stayed silent. I couldn't do something rash over a crush. Even though I could tell he felt similar to the way I feel, I couldn't take that risk and ruin his life too. I proved to myself that's I was unreliable.

I intended this unspoken feelings to stay just that, unspoken.

Or at least I intended too. I tried to let the time pass and come to the realization that it was a five minute crush yet, I couldn't get him out of my mind. Before I knew it I took the rash decision to confront him. A total spur of the moment thing and as soon as I did I realized he was as deep in the hole as I was.


Shikamaru stared intensely at the sun set thinking about Naruto. The blonde concerned, called out to him. "Shika?"

The Nara turned his face and looked at him. How could he call me by that nickname so effortlessly, like he didn't have those feeling? How could he look at him so concerned and innocent like that? Why did he do those small things that made it harder for him to stop?

In the spur of the moment he said something he really shouldn't have. "Naruto tell me truthfully."Naruto's confusion grew as he answered.
"Of course, did something happen?" He asked. Shikamaru got up from his chair and walked up to the side of Naruto's desk. His chair was already facing his direction.

"Do you like me?"

He hoped for the answer to be no. That Naruto would ward off his weird behavior and tell him to stop with the weird joke. He hoped but when he looked down upon his face all those hopes were crushed. The blonde looked up to him with shock, his expression of one whose been caught red handed. His face became flushed with red and seemed so utterly defenseless.

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