After everyone was ready it was 7:20, the girls wanted basic hairstyles so it didn't take too long. We all looked amazing. We grabbed our caps and gowns and were off to school. It was so much fun walking with everyone. At 7:26 the press came along.

"You all look amazing, what's the formal occasion?"

"We are graduating today."

"Oh how fun, we wish you guys a fun graduation!"

"Thank you, we gotta go now, but we will see you another time."

"Very well, goodbye."

We got to the school and it was amazing. It was completely decorated. It looked beautiful. We didn't have any assigned classes today, we were just allowed to walk around and visit teachers, until 8 am when the ceremony begins. We all decide to go visit Ms.Bustier, she is happy to see all of us and we sit and talk for a bit. 

"I can't believe it... In 5 minutes our futures begin, and I wouldn't rather be here with anyone else but you guys." I say. 

"We all got through so much, our friend group has grown and shrunk through the years, but regardless of all of it. Here we all are. As close of friends as they come, about to live our lives together." Luka adds. 

"Ride or die." Nino responds.

"We never leave each other's lives, we grew up together, we go through adulthood together, sorry but you guys are stuck with me." Mari says. 

"Damn, if any of us have kids, that's a whole lot of aunts and uncles." Alya says with a laugh.

"Omg, all of our kids are gonna be best friends." Rose chimes in. 

We continue talking as we walk to the courtyard where all our parents... Anarka and Jagged are there for me too, are waiting for us. They all start crying when they see us. All their kids are starting their lives today. All of us put on our caps and gowns. All the other grades are watching the ceremony from the opposite side of the courtyard. All the graduates and parents are now seated. Mr.Damocles takes the stage and stands behind the podium as the other teachers take their places on the stage. 

"Thank you all for coming, today we are gathered to celebrate our graduates. Today you all will be graduating and leaving this institution and you will begin your future. Many of you formed everlasting friendships and I am hopeful you do not lose sight of it moving forward. I would like to keep this ceremony short and simple but also something to remember. First things first I welcome our Valedictorian to the podium, on top of managing a band, a dance channel, and school, she has also somehow found the time to write a speech to deliver to you all. Please welcome y/n to the stage." Mr.Damocles says before ushering me onto the stage. 

I am incredibly nervous. To top it all off, all my friends and all the parents are recording this speech. The press even wanted to televise it. One mistake and it will be archived forever. I step up to the podium and take a deep breath before beginning. 

"Hello my fellow students, and the parents who each changed my life in their own way, and to everyone behind a television or phone screen. I am really hoping I don't mess this up." I say with a slight chuckle, which caused a laugh to run through the crowd. 

"I know High School can be and has been crazy at times, you lose some friends, and gain some, you seem to completely change who you are in such a short time. The amount of lessons I have learned through the years is crazy. From something as simple as, trying your best is all you can do, to the very hard lesson of, not everyone in your life stays, not everyone is good, and not everyone is there to help and guide you, some are there for the purpose of hurting you, but that is just life throwing you a curve ball. My fellow classmates know the details of my past that made my transition into and through High School difficult. From my dad dying when I was 11 to my mom abusing me until I finally got out of the house for good. Both of those were curve balls, both of them did their damage, but I got through it. I know sometimes it can feel like a really dark place you're in, but just remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel." I continue. Another deep breath as I try to collect myself as tears begin to form in my eyes. To no avail my voice cracks as I continue. 

"Nothing good comes without difficulty. Yes many people may seem perfect on the outside, but those could be the same people who need the most help. High School teaches you to stick to the status quo, ignore the bad things happening around you and try to be the top of your class. But life isn't like that. Life is helping those around you, life is being whoever you are regardless of what others think. Be you, because everyone else is taken. I was asked to make this speech about things I've learned, but not life lessons, instead I was supposed to speak on things like how to get through school and stuff like that. If I'm being honest, the only reason I'm standing here right now is because of one person, one singular person, who through no matter what, stood by me and never for a second frayed, someone who I call my person. Luka Couffaine, my best friend since birth, my boyfriend, my future, he is the one that stayed and I wouldn't have it any other way. We both know everything we both go through, and no matter how much we would try to push each other away when things got too dark and twisty, we would always end up side by side, fighting the darkness together, my advice, and the truest lesson I have learned. Find your person, they don't need to be a romantic partner, they just need to be someone who no matter what, you never fray from each other, who no matter what, you will fight the darkness together. High School has taught me how to rely on others, how to see what no one wants us too. But it wasn't any teacher or class who taught it to me, but rather the situations that unfolded around me. High School taught me that even though everything can get crazy as hell, you can get through it, you may fall, but you can always stand back up, every one of you has a fire inside you, so I leave you to decide one thing, when will you ignite that flame?" I finish.

The crowd is left in shock for a second before everyone begins standing up and applauding. Their cheers can be heard from the Eiffel tower. I did it, I succeeded. Mr.Damocles walks up again and shakes my hand before I go back to sitting next to Luka who has the goofiest grin on his face. 

"So, you got all cheesy up there, huh softy?" He teases.

"Shut up, I love you weirdo." I say while lightly punching his side. 

"I love you too Princess." He replies before we go back to listening. 

"Now, let us call up our graduates one by one to receive their diplomas, I know typically we would call everyone up in alphabetical order, but the diplomas are out of order, so plans have changed." He says with a chuckle. 

As he called everyone's names they walk up, get their diploma, shake Mr.Damocles' hand, and pose for a picture. 

"Chloe Bourgeois"

"Sabrina Raincomprix"

"Lila Rossi"

"Kim Le Chien"

"Alix Kubdel"

"Nathaniel Kurtzberg"

"Marc Anciel"

"Rose Lavillant"

"Juleka Couffaine"

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng"

"Adrien Agreste"

"Ivan Bruel"

"Mylene Haprele"

"Max Kante"

"Nino Lahiffe"

"Alya Cesaire"

"Luka Couffaine"

"Y/n l/n"

"Thank you for all of our graduates. we wish you the best on your future en devours." 

And with that we all threw our hats up in the air and as they landed we collected them and went to the boat to celebrate with some music, of course from Kitty Section. Chloe and Sabrina even joined in.

We spent the rest of the night jamming out, and even did some karaoke. Everyone left around 11 pm and Luka and I decided to get some rest. 

The album drops on Friday, and we leave for tour on Sunday. This is insane! 

The One That Stayed (Luka Couffaine x reader)Where stories live. Discover now